26: Psych Psychologist

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Sitting upside down on my bed, with my feet on the bed while my head hung from its edge, I keep my eyes focused on the only other person in the room.

Her bright blood-red lipped smile looks as fake as can be and her bright blond hair almost blinds me. Her over-enthusiastic behaviour irritates me to undefinable levels. Her black-rimmed cat-eye glasses that frame her crystal blue eyes add to the perfect touch to her attire while suiting her personality perfectly.

'She should be a model instead of a child psychologist, at least then I wouldn't have to bear-up with her crap'

I mentally curse my brothers for this plague of a woman they have hired to 'help' me. That woman right there is Dr.Jennifer Hart. Now Dr. Hart is a world-renowned child psychologist, who is in her late thirty's and is hella annoying.

I don't understand how this woman is the best in her field, because for the last fifty-eight minutes all she has done is nothing but ask me five questions, all of which I have refused to answer and she just stared at me and wrote something down on her IPad.

I aimlessly stare at the ceiling and ponder over how stubborn my brothers are. I had initially decided that if they force me to talk to some stranger about the incident and my past, I would shut them out again.

But, quickly decided against it. Because if I did shut them out again that would just give them another reason to get me to talk to some 'professional'. So I decided to shut the so-called 'professional' out instead.

'They can force me to see a professional, but they can't force me to talk to one'

'If my brothers are stubborn I'm ten times more stubborn than they can ever be,' I thought with a huff.

I count each second as I wait for the dreadful two minutes to pass getting me rid of this monstrosity of a doctor. I watch as the hands of my wristwatch slowly tick away.

This wasn't my first appointment with her, actually, it's my third and all that has happened this far is that either we stare at each other or she busies herself writing down something in her IPad.

Just as the last second ticks away, in through the doors of my bedroom walks Jason; like my knight in shining armour. He graces me with an amused smile after looking at my state and then glances at the woman occupying the sofa at the further end of the room.

"So how was it today?" Jason asks, he directs the question more towards Dr. Hearts then towards me.

"No improvement so far. But I believe we will soon make progress, right Astoria?" She says in a monotone, as she packs up her things and prepares to leave.

She rises from her seat and gives Jason's a firm handshake, before turning her attention towards me again.

"I'll see you again in two days, hopefully by then you will learn to trust me and let me help you!" A small smile adorns her face but doesn't reach her eyes, her tone soft but, even then it sounds monotonous.

With that, Jason leads her downstairs. I roll my eyes at her words and continue to stare at the ceiling aimlessly.

'Why don't they get it, I don't want to talk to a complete stranger about my scariest memories!'

'I didn't need to be seen as a vulnerable child, with a dark past.'

'Just because I trust them doesn't mean I'll trust anyone and everyone!'

I was jerked out of my train of thought by the ringing of my cell phone. I carefully reach for it and grab it from the nightstand. I frown in confusion at the unknown number, but nonetheless, pick up the call.

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