85: Fallen In Place

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Jason jumps into the passenger seat while Noah takes the driver's leaving me in the back with Xavier whose arm, I have a death grip on as the event of the past few hours start to settle in.

While my eyes are glued to the window beside me aimlessly Xavier takes this time to inspect the damage done to my head that is now surrounded by dry blood—the same injury that caused me to lose consciousness when they kidnapped me.

"Why aren't we following them?" I ask in a rather soft tone as I watch our car drive past the one Alessandro is in as his car takes a sharp right turn.

"They are headed to the hospital, we thought you woul—"

"No, we need to follow," I mumble almost incoherently under my breath cutting him off, my request catching them off guard yet them comply with it.

Momentary I find our car in tow with the SUV Alessandro is in. Overcome by momentary surprise that they didn't question or dismiss my out-of-character request, I soon dismiss it, knowing that I'll be hearing about it later.

Five or so excruciating minutes later they finally pull up in front of a hospital's ER door. By the appearance, this isn't a very big or busy hospital but is sure the closest. Anxiety starts to bubble within me at its very sight, yet I try my best in keeping my emotions in check and focusing on the bigger picture—which is Alessandro.

Thankfully there aren't many people I can spot around its premises, nor are there many vehicles in their parking lost which is more than visible as we make our way towards it and find an open spot almost instantly.

Jumping out of the car we soon follow behind to where the rest are as they wheel Alessandro into one of the rooms in the ER and slamming the door shut leaving us to wait outside in suffocating trepidation.

I notice that the guys have all taken off their bulletproof vests and neither of their guns is in view which frankly relaxes me a bit knowing that that is one less thing to worry about.

"Sir, all of you can't be here, you can wait right there I'll let you know when we have an update." A sweet nurse dressed in light blue scrubs addresses us motioning towards the other end of the large room, whose walls are bordered with chairs that are mostly vacant, adjacent to the main ER area we are standing in the middle of.

Nodding at her in reluctance we proceed to make our way towards the said area when she stops me in my track pulling me out of my daze and back into reality. Her eyes scan my state for a brief moment before she offers me a look of concern.

"Sweetly, you've got dry blood all over you are you okay?" She asks in a soft tone pointing out my crimson-painted forehead, Alessandro's jacket that I'm still wearing covering the few stains of blood on my clothes from view.

"Yeah..." I mutter under my breath find my throat extremely dry all of a sudden.

"May I," she asks motioning towards my head and I nod hesitantly only to find Xavier by my side in a heartbeat, but he doesn't stop her, just stands there and observes our exchange.

"It's not that deep, but you might want to get it clean and properly treated before it gets infected," she suggests making me crane my neck towards Xavier unsure what to do as my mind continues to remain foggy.

Nodding Xavier gives her the go-ahead on my behalf, after which she guides us further into the main ER space and away from the waiting area.

Reaching an empty station, she beckons me towards the vacant seat in front of her while she excuses herself to gather the supplies, she needs to work on me. She comes back moments later with a tray full of supplies and seats in on the metal table at her side and snaps her white latex gloves on.

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