9: No Doctors

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Breakfast went by fast, after which the boys all proceeded to their days work and Jack left for school.

Having nothing much to do, as I started school on Monday as per Xavier's instructions. I made my way to my room.

Once I was in I took out my sketch book and started my work. As I was in the middle of my piece there was a knock on my door soon after the person walks in without waiting for my permission.

'Why knock then buddy?' I wanted to sass but bit my tongue

Soon realising the intruder was Liam, I gave him a small smile.

"Go change into a tank top and meet me at the bottom of the stairs to dress your wound," he says and leaves before I could even reply.

'Rude' I mumble under my breath, but do as told anyway.

Changing into a lose black tank top and a strapless bra, I head down stairs, Liam was standing there waiting on me.

"Took you long enough " He grumbled under his breadth

'What happened to the sweet caring brother who was with me in the kitchen some time ago' I thought feeling hurt with his change in behaviour.

I wordless follow him into another part of the house.

"This is the first and last time you will be allowed into this part of the house, clear?" He said in a demanding tone

I murmur a quick 'crystal' under by breath by loud enough for him to hear.

'So this is the part Xavier was talking about'

I make a mental note to stay the hell away from this side of the house. It felt cold and unwelcoming on this side. Not that the other side felt welcoming or anything, it just this side has a different aura around it.

We soon reach a door, Liam holds it open for me to enter which I do and he does the same soon after me. This room looks like some kind of home clinic, this makes me start breathing unsteady

"I thought they said no doctors," I say in a quick breath.

"Yes irmãzinha, like I said, I will be dressing your wound. It's just more sterile in here, hence safer" He says in a softer tone this time.

I nod my head in understanding, he places his hand on the small of my back and guides me towards a bed in the room.

I reluctantly take a seat on it. He pulls the strap of my tank top down and put on some gloves. I try to calm myself, reassuring myself that it's just Liam my brother and he won't harm me.

I don't know how but in the short period of time that I have known them, I already trust them fully. It's like we already have a connection, a bond for years.

The door to the room opens again alerting both Liam and I. In through the doors walk my three elder most brothers. All dressed in expensive looking suits as before, with their hair combed back and confidence rolling off of them in waves.

This just makes me all the more self conscious and doubt my decision of telling them the truth. But it's too late to change that anyways, so I just shake the doubt off of my mind.

The three of them come near my bed and take a look at my shoulder, after which I hear a round of cusses

Authors note :

#1 in onlygirl

We have crossed 200 reads a big thank you to all my readers for your support.

Hope you all enjoy this chapter.

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