54: Achy Muscles

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After spending hours in the gym with Liam constantly acquainting me to the ground, I'm finally rewarded with pizza and ice-cream by him for dinner. This frankly takes me by surprise considering this is Liam we're talking about, but he is prompt to remind me not to make this a habit.

While the rest settle in the living room relaxing after a strenuous day, I excuse myself and head back to my room to nurse my aching muscles. Treating myself to a nice hot shower, I flop down on the bed with absolutely no energy left in me whatsoever.

The thoughts that I have successfully crammed in the back of my mind, manage to wiggle their way back into the forefront. With no vigor left in me to oppose them, I let my mind wander freely.

Going back to yesterday morning, I walk my way through the events of the day. Wincing at certain memories, I try to assemble every small detail I can find in my mind.

'If the bug was planted on me during practice, that means that one of my team members has to be involved!'

I try eliminating this thought from my mind, but my suspicious mind doesn't let me. Doubting my teammates is the last thing I want to do and yet I don't see any other alternative.

As I progress further in my thoughts, my mind goes to the pregnant lady I helped while at Xavier's office. She was the only stranger I met, during the past forty-eight hours!

'But why would a pregnant woman bug me?'

She did seem alarmed when Logan approached us. At that point of time, I thought it was because of my name, but what if it was because Logan had approached us?

Come to think of it, the way that person bumped into her and took off so abruptly does seem rather strange. But then again what motive could she have for doing that?

Well aware that I have to jot all these details down if I want to remember them tomorrow, I get off the bed only to fall back down seconds later due to the lack of vitality.

Groaning in pain my sensitive muscles offer, I mentally curse Liam for putting me in this situation. Not only down he eats like a cow, he freaking weighs like one too!

After the first ten times, I lost count of the numerous times he pinned me to the ground and made me get up seconds later to try again only to find myself in the same state minutes later. He did that until I successfully managed to eliminate every flaw he could point out in my defense and offense.

For a person like me who used to enjoy working out and learning new techniques, I'm dreading those two dreadful days of every week that I will be spending in training with Liam.

Although excellent at his job, Liam is an extremely strict teacher and I for one don't do well with strict teachers. So naturally, those selected two days are going to be hell for either of us and a nagging voice in the back of my head is assuring me that it's me that is going to have to walk through hell.

With absolutely no life left in me, I stretch my hand out painfully and retrieve my phone that sat a few inches away from me. Going to the 'Notes' app, I type out as much as I can remember of that day.

Letting my phone slip through my hands once I'm done, I watch with tired eyes as it lightly bounces on my mattress before I sink deep into the tranquil darkness.


The sound of my alarm is enough to pull me out of my peaceful solitude and dump me back into my miserable reality. With my muscles still screaming in soreness, I push myself out of bed and into the shower.

Getting ready, I mentally prepare myself for the unfathomed duration of this day. Not only did I have over an hour-long practice with people who are potential suspects, but after practice, I also have three classes and two extra classes.

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