68: Crushy Crushy Crush

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I stare at the man standing before me in sheer impassiveness, studying his posture meticulously. A sliver of suspicion shadows his eyes for a mere seconds before he hides it behind a clock of stoicism, which just increases my doubt.

"What do you want to know Agent Louis?" I enquire rooted in my spot.

"Special Agent actually," he corrects, his tone hinting a bitter tone that he doesn't let on to be prominent.

"Anyway, I was thinking we could have a little more private conversation," he proposes glancing briefly towards Principal Jasper, who only shakes his head like a trained dog in response to the special agent's proposal.

"It will be more beneficial to my investigation," he adds as an afterthought reading our skeptic gaze.

"What's wrong with having it right here?" Kate questions clearly not convinced with his justification like the rest of us.

"That wouldn't be following proper protocol," he advocates swiftly as though he had his answer rehearsed.

"Well, then I think we should wait for my legal guardian to get here," I remark with my arms crossed over my chest. "You know, just helping you follow protocol," I add promptly with an innocent smile.

"It's not an interrogation Miss. Santos, I just have some routine questions I have to ask each one of you," he justifies.

"If it's just routine, why can't we all just answer your questions right here?" Lindsey voices out as we nod in agreement backing her up.

"Well, kid this is a homicide investigation," he validates his decision.

"Either you question us here or we want our parents with us," Ella declares directing her statement more towards our mute Principal who appears to be caught in a dilemma.

"I believe if that's what the students want, we should wait for their respective guardians to get here," Principal Jasper announces by which Special Agent Louis doesn't seem very pleased.

"Sure," he agrees with a tight-lipped smile.

"A wise decision on your part Principal Jasper." A familiar voice acknowledges from the doorway.

"Xavier," I whisper under my breath in realization.

"Mr-Mr. Santos," Principal Jasper voices out his shock taking control of his stutter.

"I would like to believe that the rest of the parents are informed about this visit," Xavier asserts, his tone commanding an undefinable sense of authority over the room.

"Yes, of-of course! I was getting right to that," Principal Jasper advocates excusing himself while busying himself on his phone.

"Damn!" Kate remarks in a whisper taking in Principal Jasper's startled state, while I stifle a giggle.

"Special Agent Louis." The young agent introduces himself, outstretching his hand towards Xavier who accepts it with a stoic expression persistently shadowing his features.

"Xavier Santos," he replies curtly not before taking his time to study the blond man before him.

"Well, since you're already here Mr. Santos, I see no reason why we cannot start with the questioning," he concludes.

"Of course," Xavier agrees. "As long as my sister is comfortable with it," he's quick to add which shifts the entire attention of the room to me. Shrugging in response, I continue to maintain my impassive expression.

"Great! We can move to a more secluded part of the gym," Special Agent Louis recommends, "if that's okay with the both of you," he adds promptly.

Xavier motions for him to lead the way, while I share a brief glance with the rest of the team before trailing behind him next to Xavier.

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