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You opened the door to the girls bathroom and walked in, you weren't in the mood to go back and sit with your friends just now, you needed some time to process everything.

Walking up to the sink you looked at yourself in the mirror, your eyes shiny and breath uneven. Opening the tap you let cold water run, feeling it with your hand and splashing some on your face, hoping it would calm you down, you leaned on the sink with both of your hands, head down as you focused on the sound of the water running.

You heard one of the stall doors open from the back and the sound of footsteps behind you. You didn't even need to look up to recognize her voice.

"Todoroki AND Bakugou? Seems like you really can't get enough" Momo sighed loudly, "But I expected no less from you. A criminal and a whore, what a track record y/n"

You straightened up, meeting her dark grey eyes in the reflection of the mirror, smiling smugly at you. She must have heard your conversation between you and Shoto.

Turning around, you faced her and rolled your eyes,

"I'm not in the mood right now" you said, as calmly as you could as you fixed your hair and began to walk away. However, Momo placed herself in front of the door, blocking your way, her arm stretched our, leaning on the door frame,

"Looks like Todoroki finally realized what you really are"

"And what is that" you replied, leaning closer to her and squinting your eyes and baring teeth,

"That you are nothing more than a incompetent villain"


That word again.

She spat it at you with such ease, as if it was as nickname. You could see it in the way she was smiling that she hoped for a reaction, to finally be able to get under your skin.

From the day she saw Shoto give you attention Yaoyorozu decided that she had a vendetta against you, and when she finally found out about your past, more specifically how ashamed and traumatised you were from it, she found the perfect weapon to use against you, a little at a time, waiting for the day you finally had enough. And lucky for her today was that day.

Your temper sparked, trying as hard as you could to keep your frustration in check, you grabbed the collar of her sports jacket and yanked her towards you, she gasped at the sudden action, her smirk was wiped off her face as you leaned close, making sure she was looking at you, staring in your eyes filled with fury, darkening. When you finally spoke a smirk formed on your lips.

"You better win your next match so I can show you how much of a villain I can really be"

Yaoyarozu stood immobile as you walked out of the bathroom, bumping shoulders into hers, she didn't move as she heard the door close behind her and your footsteps slowly fade into the distance.

Has she had stared into your eyes she saw something change, as if all empathy had just been stripped away from you.

It sent a chills down her spine, she swallowed loudly before fixing herself in the mirror, making sure you couldn't visibly see the shock and slight worry on her face, but at the same time she slightly smiled, her lips curving upward because as she made her way back to the stands she wondered; how far could she take this?

You walked back to the stands and stood at the back, not wanting to talk to anyone.
The conversation kept replaying in your head and also the burning desire to finally go against Momo, fight her and prove to her that you were better. Your mind was filled with millions ways to beat her.

But at the same time, even though you weren't fully aware of it, it kept circulating back to anger, every thought you had was making it harder and harder to keep calm, you felt as if you could so easily snap at any second.
You were tiptoeing on a thin thread and could easily be pushed over the edge.

Weakness (Bakugouxreader)Where stories live. Discover now