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Amid the scattered ice shards, your eyes darted frantically between Kei's frozen form and Bakugou's crumpled figure. Panic clutched at your chest as you rushed to Katsuki, the raindrops merging with the blood-soaked ground.

He was on the ground, his back slightly perched up against the concrete wall of the warehouse. He was clutching the side of his stomach, his wound. The paleness of his face accentuated by the dreary weather. Desperation surged as you knelt beside him, hands trembling with the cold and the weight of the situation.

Panic took over, making your thoughts a wild mess. Your heart pounded loudly, matching the rush in your mind. Everything around you blurred. Shaky hands desperately sought a solution, yet your mind darted in every direction. "No, no, no," echoed in your thoughts, the frantic repetition mirroring the storm of emotions.
You didn't know if you should scream, cry, or try to stay calm.

In a frantic desperation, you summoned your water powers, hands shaking as you attempted to channel the healing energy that once mended minor injuries. Yet, as the water touched Bakugou's wound, it flickered with a brief, feeble glow before disappearing.

Panic surged within you as you repeated the process, each attempt met with the same outcome. Growing more and more frustrated with each attempt. The wound ran too deep, beyond the reach of your healing abilities.

The realization weighed heavily on your heart.
If only you could heal him. Why couldn't you?

you confronted the stark truth – some wounds cut too deep to be healed, even by the most profound connections.

Bakugou attempted to move, a hiss escaping his lips, his hand reaching out to gently cup your cheek.

"Easy there," he rasped, his voice strained yet laced with a calm acceptance. He saw how hard and desperately you were trying. Raindrops danced on his face, or maybe they were tears. He tried to reassure you. "I'm not going anywhere yet."

He was lying.

But your hands moved with frantic urgency,
Your despair growing.

The bleeding wouldn't stop.

There was so much blood.

"Katsuki, we need to stop the bleeding. You can't... you can't leave me here alone." You choked.

His hand found yours, the touch a comforting anchor amidst the chaos. "Icy, calm down. I've... I've accepted it," Bakugou murmured, his face pale, his breathing weak.

Katsuki was trying to hard to not show fear or pain. Even in his last moments he didn't want to worry you.

You kept a hand pressed on his wound to try and stop the bleeding but to no avail.

But your panic refused to subside. "No, no, we can still get you help. I won't let you go," you pleaded, desperation seeping into your voice. You tried using your powers again but Bakugou's grip tightened, a mixture of love and resignation in his crimson eyes.

His hands moved feeling his pocket. He was surprised to feel the box still there.

"Look," he said gently, guiding your trembling hands to his pocket. "There's something... something for you."

With a careful yet weakened movement, Bakugou retrieved a small box, the raindrops forming a delicate curtain around this intimate exchange. Your eyes widened in both surprise and sorrow as he handed it to you.

The box, soaked from the rain, revealed the snowflake necklace within. Bakugou's pale face held an earnest expression as he managed a weak smile. "I wanted to give you this earlier, in the woods."

Tears welled up in your eyes as you held the necklace in your hands.

"I won't let you leave, Katsuki," you whispered, your voice breaking.

"Come here baby" he said softly, probably the first time he had ever used such a careful, gentle tone. He smiled.

His fingers, stained with his own blood, struggled to clasp the necklace around your neck. Raindrops fell blending with your tears, as Bakugou spoke.

"You... you changed me, y/n, fuck I can't believe I'm going to be cheesy right now" he confessed, you managed to laugh weakly at his annoyed face, tears streaming down your face. Was it going to be the last time he made you laugh?

"You don't understand how lucky and grateful I am that, not only I found my best friend but I got to fall in love with her. Thank you for making me better, always being by my side, I'm sorry I won't be able to see you grow and get stronger. I love you y/n, more than anything."

Your attempts to staunch the bleeding transformed into a desperate embrace.

"Stubborn as always, huh?" he chuckled, his eyes reflecting a bittersweet mix of love and regret. "But you're strong, y/n. Promise me, promise you'll keep fighting."

Amidst the agony, Bakugou's face, serene yet etched with struggle, held a silent plea for you to carry on. You nodded.

Cupping his cheeks you put your forehead to his, nose to nose and whispered, "I love you so much Katsuki, more than you will ever understand"

You cried, coming to the realisation that there wasn't much to do, you rested your head against his chest, finding solace in the soothing cadence of his heartbeat. Nights had been serenaded by this familiar rhythm, a lullaby that cradled you in warmth. Now, in the tender embrace, you closed your eyes.

You remembered all the nights you fell asleep to this heartbeat.

You never thought you would hear it stop.

But as you laid you head near his chest, he closed his eyes.

And the world went quiet.

*insert evil laugh here*
(Sorry for another cliff hanger)
Thanks for reading ❤️🇵🇸

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