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Bakugou put his bag back down and walked to you.

He was glad you asked him to stay because he didn't want to go home yet, and really didn't feel like leaving you alone tonight, but he didn't know how to say it.

He had never been good at expressing emotions, and even less at comforting. So just knowing that his presence helped you, that you wanted him to be there by your side made his heart jump.

All he wanted right now was for you to smile again, for you to see yourself the way he saw you because in his eyes you were the most irritating, amazing, and beautiful person he knew.

Sure, you would annoy him to the point where he had to hold back from screaming or punching you, but you also made him laugh, feel like he could be himself around you, finally feel like he has someone who was willing to listen to him and who understood, who didn't deny the way he felt like many other and accepted him for who he was.

Bakugou never admitted it out loud, mostly because he thought it made him weak, but he truly and deeply cared for you, maybe more than he ever did for anyone else in the world.

It often scared him. But all the worries were washed away when he saw you walk into class waving at the other students, when you ruffled his hair, when you taught each other new moves or when he would catch you staring at him, the way you quickly looked away pretending he had never noticed always made him laugh.

And now he stared down at you, looking at the same girl he cherished so much Katsuki felt helpless.

Kind of like back at USJ, when Kei attacked you and Katsuki couldn't do anything.

You felt a warm hand lift your chin up as Bakugou started wiping the tears away with his thumb, a sweet smile on his face, his eyes looked somewhat sad though.

"come on let's go rest, you looked really tired," he said, analyzing the dark circles under your eyes. You nodded and walked into the bedroom.

Whilst he took a quick shower you changed and got into bed, curling under the covers.

You felt so much and so little at the same time. You were exploding with emotions but also felt so numb. The only emotion you could pinpoint was a disappointment.

Every single time that your fight with Momo flashed into your eyes you felt weak, like you were somehow falling back into your old habits before Aizawa had helped you get back on your feet. You not only disappointed yourself, but also your friends, your teachers, and Bakugou.

He had told you that nothing had changed, that that wasn't you, but it was. Even if for a second it didn't feel like it, it was still you who hurt someone.

Fine, Momo had pushed you to get angry and lose control but you kept thinking that if you weren't strong enough to manage your emotions that meant that it could happen again, especially now that you were in such a fragile state.

Even if you tried hard you couldn't shake away the feeling that all the progress you had made was lost, or that maybe it was all a facade, that what Momo said was true.

Maybe no matter how hard you tried you were never going to change, even if you truly wanted to.

You felt the door to your room open and close, and the bed dip slightly as Katsuki laid next to you. You turned around to look at him and soon regrets it when your eyes quickly met.

So many thoughts raced in your mind:

why did I ask him to stay

he probably doesn't want to be here

Weakness (Bakugouxreader)Where stories live. Discover now