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Exams were finally finished and the training test at USJ came quickly.

You sat in class talking to Todoroki, Izuku, and Uraraka about the progress they have made during the last months with their partner.

The most impressive progress was made by Izuku, who was now able to control most of his quirk without breaking any bones or hurting himself. Uraraka explained how she focused on resistance, trying to lift heavier things for longer periods of time. Todoroki spoke about how he started using his fire more and more, especially using both quirks at the same time.
He was one of the tops of the class, and his dad being the one number hero definitely showed in his fighting skills and power.

The handsome boy continued talking, some of his red and white hair falling on his beautiful blue and grey eyes, his tone calm and smooth, he was definitely one of the most good looking guys in the class too.

You were quickly interrupted by questions, shaking your head hoping he didn't notice me staring.

"So who do you think we are going to be partnered up with next?" Asked Izuku,

"Mmh I have no idea, to be honest. Who do you want to be partnered up with?", you replied,

"I'm not sure I haven't thought about it that much..." the green-haired boy continued discussing his next partnership, also asking the same question to Uraraka, who explained she would like to work with one of the girls.

"What about you Todoroki-san?" you asked intrigued,


You were taken aback by his direct answer, "Ahah really how come?" you laughed, slightly awkwardly.

"Our quirks would work really well together, since you can't produce water but can control it at any state my ice would make you a lot stronger, you also clearly work hard and are one of the strongest in our class, so I think if we got partnered up we could both improve massively"

You smiled at the compliment. He was correct after all, your quirks were pretty comparable, unlike yours and Bakugou.

You hated to admit it but even though the blondie helped me a lot, your quirk and his affected each other negatively. Your ice and water stopped him from producing a lot of sweat, making his explosions weaker, and the smoke from his explosions made it hard to focus on breathing, which you needed to bend the water the way you wanted. Also, it often made steam which was hard to control and took a physical toll on you every time you tried.

"I'm happy you said that, I would love to work with you. I think we would be really strong, plus you seem easy to work with and you are extremely nice so it would be fun to even just study and hang out together" you replied smiling,

He smiled slightly at the comment and blushed a little. You had never seen his smile properly, even though you hung out a few times, mostly when it was a whole class outing or when Uraraka invited you out with Izuku, Ilda, and them. But it was nice seeing him happy, even though the tug on his lips was barely visible.

"It would definitely be a change from Kacchan" laughed Midoriya nervously and everyone agreed,

"To be honest working with him wasn't as bad as I thought, we became pretty close and he helped me improve much more than I expected. He also is a lot less grumpy"

"He's only that way with you though," said Uraraka,

"What do you mean?" you asked, slightly confused,

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