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Luckily for Todoroki, Aizawa and All might were quick to react.

The boy still had to be sent to Recovery Girl to tend his injuries but if they hadn't stopped right then and there who knows what would have happened.

For now all he had to deal with was a busted lip, a bruised eye and a few minor scratches and burn marks.

Now Bakugou stood in the empty classroom with Aizawa, all of his classmates had just left to go home but his teacher demanded to have a word with him.

He began lecturing the boy, telling him off for what happened. How this behaviour was not acceptable, how he risked suspension, blah blah blah, Bakugou basically knew the speech by heart because of all the times he would insult Deku so he interrupted and began his own rant.

"He's the one who fucking started it. It's all his fault. He acts like a little innocent angel but all he does is manipulat-"

Aizawa stopped Bakugou, who's voice was getting louder and louder, his temper about to ignite again.

Aizawa easily realised that this was probably deeper than his hot headed student just being his usual angry self. He had a suspicion but this just confirmed it.

"Watch your words Bakugou. Does this also have something to do with Y/N?"

"This isn't about her it's about him being a prick"

Aizawa sighed. He doesn't get paid enough for this. Pinching the bridge of his nose he spoke again.

"What happened between the two?"

Bakugou anger faded, his tone got quieter and he hesitated before speaking,

"I don't know. He must have said something, and Momo too..."

Bakugou took a long pause, swallowed his pride, and finally asked the long-awaited question. He said it in a lower tone than usual as if he didn't want to hear himself say it out loud.

"...How is she?"

"Not great. Could be better"

"If maybe I had just listened to her she wouldn't be-"

"Bakugou. You didn't do anything... she is doing this to herself. She is the one who pushed people away, that's how she always coped because of her upbringing. She'll learn that there are better ways to handle the situation" Aizawa said before packing up his things and heading home.

Before leaving he looked back at his student and spoke again, "you both are clearly not doing so well. You should talk to her"

And with that Bakugou was left alone in the classroom. It had just started raining so the only sounds audible were the faint raindrops falling against the windows and the chatter of people leaving school in the halls.

He knew that he would have to talk to her eventually. And even though he was mad he started to realise being without her was worse.
His stubbornness was the only thing keeping him from talking to you.

He thought about the time you tried to spoke to him in the empty hall.

Wondered what you were going to say.

And if he should have let you speak.

He wasn't ready to head home, he needed some distraction so he decided to wait until most students left so he could use the school gym to train.

And has he waited he stood there thinking about his words.

His teacher's words.

He thought hearing that he wasn't at fault would help him ease his emotions, but the only thing it did was make him wonder even more what you were thinking about the whole situation and most importantly if you were ever going to be okay.

Weakness (Bakugouxreader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ