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"Hey wait up sparky" I said, running towards him, just ousitde the school grounds, he didn't stop as a he let out a loud "ugh".
I caught up to him "aren't you just so happy we got paired up" I smiled sarcastically, he rolled his eyes at my comment but I continued, "come on you have to admit we do make a pretty good team"

"Yeah whatever"

We continued walking in silence until he finally said something in his usual angry voice, "stop following me shitty girl"

I looked at him and replied "Sorry to break it to you but I'm not following you. I live at the end of this street and I'm guessing you live close by that's why I'm being forced to walk with you home"

"Fucking great, I'm paired up with you and live close to each other"

"Why do you always have to be so moody, anyways my apartment is here so I'm gonna go. See you on Monday"

Before I could open the door and head upstairs his rough voice stopped me.

"Tomorrow. 5am. Training. I'll pass by yours"

I smiled at him, excited and walked away.


Of course I get paired up with her again and now she's walking home with me.

"Come on you have to admit we make a pretty good team"

I don't know why when she said that my heart skipped a beat. She was right, no matter how annoying she can get she is really strong and working together was going to help us both improve. Training with those other extras was always the same, they were too easy to beat.

And when she smiled at me before entering her apartment building I felt my cheeks go red.

What the fuck is wrong with me, she literally just smiled. Tch whatever she bothers me, I can't wait this month to be over already.


"You are late"

"Bakugou its 5:03am, I'm 3 minutes late"

"Ugh let's just go" he said and began jogging, me right next to him.
We ran for about 45 minutes before stopping at a secluded park in the outskirts of the city.
I sat down on the grass, panting, taking sips from my water battle. Bakugou doing some stretches next to me.

"You better not be tired already Icy"

"Dont worry I've still got ALOT of energy to fight" I said, smirking at him,

"I'm so gonna beat your ass" he responded, determination in his tone.

I stood up and set my bottle down, getting ready to fight.

"Quirks or no quirks?"

"No quirks dumbass, can't use them in public places without permission"

Oh shit I forgot

"Sounds good to me, not like I need my quirk to win" I flashed him a cheeky grin and, to my surprise, he smirked in return.

Me and the explosive boy had been fighting for over 15 minutes non stop, going back and forth throwing punches, kicks and dodging.
I began feeling tired, my attacks were becoming weaker and my defence sloppier.
Training with Shota everyday after school and on weekends made me feel exhausted.

I felt a pain in my stomach caused from a kick the blonde sent with a lot of power, it caused me to bend over allowing him to swiftly move behind me, grabbing my ponytail and pulling it to force my face up, leaving my neck exposed. He slid under my neck now choking me with his arm.

I could feel the heat rediate from his body, the smell of his swear mixed with deodorant, as he was pressed against me making me unable to move.

"So, do you give up?" He whispered in my ear, sending shivers through my spine, he tightened his grip on my neck as I tried to get out of the chokehold. I tapped his elbow twice, to signal for him to let me go.
He immediately dropped his arms and watch me breathing heavy, sitting on the cold grass.

I know he's one of the top people in my class but I did not thing he was THAT good at close combat.

I looked up at him and he gave me a cocky smirk.

"What was it that you said before, NoT LiKe I NeEd My qUiRk tO WiN"

I flipped him off grunting in annoyance, he laughed, sitting next to me.

"I want a rematch" I said.

"You love losing don't you"

"I'm gonna win next time sparky"

"You are on icy"



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