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Blood bending.

You never thought you were going to use it again.

Especially not on one of your classmates.

You wanted to bury that part of yourself deep down somewhere, forget about it and hide from it.

But, in reality, even though you tried your hardest to ignore it, it was part of you, and there was no way to escape.

Memories flooded back, you saw Kei, the way his emerald eyes went bright when he discovered your new ability. You could see his mind at work, gears turning as he thought about all the ways he could use you for his various plans. Completely disregarding how you felt, not only about controlling people this way but also the physical pain you felt when using it.

When you finally built up courage and told him you weren't going to use this power, especially on people, he rolled his eyes, tried to beat some sense into you and eventually shipped you off to The Lab, in hopes they would somehow brainwash you and torture you into submission.

It also gave him the advantage to learn more about your quirk, the weaknesses and limits it had, how far you could take it, and more importantly how deadly it could be.

For The Lab, you were nothing but a guinea pig, an interesting experiment to test their theories on. Injecting you with chemicals and drugs they were created to strengthen quirks, making you use it over and over again, stopping you just as you reached your breaking point, healing you and repeating the process, in hopes to see some results; how long you could blood bend for and how long the person, on the other hand, would last before being permanently injured or dead.

You hated every second of it, hated hurting people, and hated the feeling, the agonizing pain caused every time you used your quirk. Not one moment would pass by without the scorching feeling you felt running through your body.

And now, in front of millions of eyes, you stood, towering over the black-haired girl, with the same burning feeling in your veins, unless this time it was different.

You ignored the pain, somewhat welcomed it.

Rage completely blinded you.

The world went black, the only thing visible were her dark blood-shot eyes, the desperate look in them, the way her tears slid down her cheeks faster every time she would close them shut and open them again, wincing in ache. She looked so tired, so pale.

Everything around you was quiet, still.

You felt blood trickle down from your nose, watched as it dropped to the floor, red contrasting with the light gray color of the platform. The same warm feeling followed, but this time it was from your eyes, you felt them sting and as you shut them, you could sense the flow of blood, mixed with tears down your cheeks, leaving red lines as they followed the curved of your jaw and neck or as they fell onto the ground.

You had an emotionless expression on your face as if you were stripped of all empathy.

You lifted your free hand, the one that wasn't holding the water in Momo's body, and water crawled up to it, in the shape of a dagger, turning a beautiful light blue as it formed into ice.

Momo shook her head and chocked on one of her screams as she tried to yell another final insult,

"Fucking lab rat"

You grunted, lifting the knife you created. Anger swept over you again. You become even more enraged if that was even possible. Just as you were about to strike you heard a loud explosion, small shards and pieces of ice blew up in the air and you saw a long black-haired man run towards you, emerging from the smoke.

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