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Waking up at 5 am made you realize that maybe you weren't so excited for this trip as you thought you were.

Your teachers really did not give you 2 minutes to wake up, as soon as you had breakfast and changed you were thrown into training.

Everyone from each class, A and B, had their own tasks, focusing on improving their quirk, from controlling both quirks at the same time to dipping hands into cold water and then forming explosions.

Everyone practiced pretty close to each other, there was a big empty space where most students were stationed working hard.

Aizawa however took you a bit further away, closer to the woods and plants.

"I think one of your main weaknesses is collecting water when you don't have it easily available" he went on, "today I want you to focus on improving your speed when getting water from plants and trees, I also want you to try and learn how you can control plants to your advantage"

You nodded, "use them how?"

"Remember when you were in the maze during the sports festival. You simply moved the branches of the bushes to form a path. You can use this ability to your advantage, water flows in all living things, you being able to also control plants to a certain degree could be extremely useful"

He was right, it would be extremely useful. The problem is when you tried it you would get tired so easily, and it did take a while.

"Ok I got it, is there anything specific you want me to do," you asked, wanting more details.

"Try and use your quirk on these first," he said, pointing at smaller bushes, "and make your way up to bigger branches. I'm guessing it isn't easy to control these, but until you manage to at least get the smaller branches perfect, don't come back for lunch"

"What?" Your said eyes widened slightly in shock, you weren't sure if he was joking or not.

"I'm not joking. Start training" he said, his voice tired and eyes sleeping, turned around and walked away.

You hadn't really thought about using the water in nature to control the actual plant or tree, usually, because it did take a toll on you and was hard, taking some time and need to focus it wasn't good in extreme situations where speed was needed.

You used it at the sports festival and a few other times but that was it.

And now you were being forced to do it over and over again.

About two hours had passed since you had started training, you began feeling the tiredness build up. But this didn't stop you, as, after the recent events, all you wanted to do was make both Aizawa and Katsuki proud.

You decided to begin first only on the small bushes but then has you got the hang of it moved on to bigger things such as tree branches, however even though you had practically manage two already gain control of the smaller plants, moving up to branches even the thin ones was a challenge.

You closed your eyes and focused on the water particles that flowed through a tiny branch next to you, extending your hands you located everything that you could control, and with one quick motion, you moved. You opened your eyes to see yourself control one of the smaller branches on the tree, and even though your arms kinda hurt and so did your head because of the constant focusing you were extremely proud that in that little time you had managed to mostly be able to control the smaller parts of a tree.

You decided to take a break and headed back to the camp to get some water, on your way there you observed as your classmates work hard to improve their skills. Obviously, your attention was drawn to Katsuki, he looked Immaculate in his uniform as he continuously dipped his hands in the water pointing them up to shoot explosions expanding the scale. You focused on the way that water dripped from his forearms down to his shoulders and biceps, following the curves of his body highlighting his muscle and the strength they held.

Weakness (Bakugouxreader)Where stories live. Discover now