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The Institute's Lab:

"So how is Alexander?" Magnus asked while examining the body. "I was hoping I might hear from him but I suppose he's quite busy."

"Well he has a lot on his plate right now and he is kinda stressed." Izzy said.

"What....with Clary's arrival..." Magnus said

"Valentine's return." Izzy added.

"The Clave." Magnuc added.

"And the fact that our parents want to put him in an arranged political marriage." Izzy said remembering the conversation between her parents.

The silence was soon felt and Izzy turned her attention to Magnus.

"Sorry..." Izzy said looking at Magnus with concern in her eyes.

"It's quite alright my dear. I am happy that Alexander will have his escape from all the responsibilities. Anyway, how about the envoy? I heard that the Clave send someone here." Magnus asked curious.

"Oh don't get me started. They send a cold girl, with a strong aura that makes you think you are so little in her eyes and she just came in the Institute looking like Valentine. She even defended Alec in front of our mom saying he is until now the best soldier in the Institute. Right now, all she wants to have Clary in front of her and ask her a lot of questions." Izzy said describing the new head of the institute.

"Wow. This Envoy really sound like a bossy mom." Magnus said.

"She is really mature and cold for her age." Izzy continued.

"Really? From what you told me I could have swore that she is at least 40. Like your mother or something." Magnus said curious about the Envoy.

"No. Actually, she seems the same age as Alec, maybe younger." Izzy said finally looking at Magnus from the dead body.

"Well, I finished. It seems that it haven't been used magic to create this. Are you coming?" Magnus asked Izzy.

"Go ahead. I still want to make more analyzes. I will join you soon." Izzy said smiling.

"Alright." Magnus said and walked out of the lab.

The warlock soon made his way to the training hoping he will find the raven shadowhunter. Fortunately for him, Alec was punching a box bag. Magnus got closer to Alec and when the boy sensed another presence he stopped.

"Magnus." Alec said looking at the warlock.

"I have the preliminary results from the autopsy." Magnus said getting closer to Alec.

"Why are you giving this to me? This should go to the head of the institute." Alec said confused by the Magnus gesture.

"And it is." Magnus said smiling.

"I am not. And I will never be." Alec said sternly.

"Don't lose hope. I am sure everything will be ok. You will see. Your parents will be again heads of the institute and they will put you the next one." Magnus said putting an hand on Alec's shoulder.

"It's not just that, it's like everything I have ever known-" Alec started.

"Is not what you thought." Magnus said finishing.

"I followed everything that my parents and the Clave has asked of me but then I find out that..." Alec said tired and irritated. He still doesn't know what to think about his parents and what Luke and Anabella told him earlier.

Magnus saw Alec's face and decided to change the subject. "Let's give this to the head of the Institute. I am really curious to meet this Envoy of the Clave."

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