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"Going in unarmed. I don't like it." Alec said serious as he and Jace walked in his office.

"It's the only way to save Clary." Jace explained.

"If Jonathan smells a rat, you are a dead man." Alec said with a worried tone.

"I know. Listen, he won't. Okay? We're gonna have real-time intel on their exact location. The second Isabelle is done with Glorious, we catch them off-guard, separate Jonathan and Clary and we kill him once and for all." Jace explained and after some time Alec nodded and gave Jace a Seelie ring and he put on the other.

"Now remember. In order for these rings to work and to remain invisible, it is imperative that you stay alert." Alec instructed as the rings disappeared.

"What? Do you think I am gonna fall asleep?" Jace asked joking.

Stranger things have happened. Alec said in Jace's head.

"Yeah. Hey, um, I know you said the time wasn't right with Anna a few days ago, but why didn't you propose?" Jace asked worried.

"It's complicated." Alec answered.

"That's why she is not here? Why she is missing and you put the Institute to search for her?" Jace asked worried. "Look Alec, I can feel there's something wrong." Jace informed.

Alec then sighed and looked Jace straight in the eyes. "Anna and I broke up." Alec said and Jace's eyes widened in shock.

"What? Why?" Jace asked worried for his sister more than before, knowing that the is far from her anchor to humanity.

"Okay. Umm. You're gonna be late." Alec said trying to avoid the question.

"Alec, there's something you are not telling me. What's going on?" Jace tried and Alec sighed and looked at Jace.

"Sometimes life doesn't go the way you want it to." Alec answered his voice trembling.

"Alec-" Jace tried but he got cut off.

"Please. Just go. I will try to find Anna as quick as possible but you have to get Clary back." Alec said and Jace nodded. He then hugged Alec and the older boy hugged the blonde back.

"I don't know what happened but whatever that is, you two will figure it out. You always do." Jace said and walked out the office.

Alec then sighed and walked to his desk and started him monitor looking around the world.

"Come on Bella. Where are you? Come on. Give me a sign." Alec whispered to himself as he looked at the monitor. Soon the alarm was set off. "What the-?" Alec asked as he looked at the monitor to see where the fire was coming from. "Bella's room." Alec said with wide eyes and run out the office.

"Alec!" Alec heard his name and turned to see Izzy running to him. "Where is the fire coming from?" Izzy asked.

"Bella's room. Come on." Alec said and he and Izzy run to the blonde's girl. When they got there the door was open and in front of the Anna's closet was standing a girl, her hair was black at the roots and blonde at it's tips. Aha was wearing a black short top, and black jeans short with high heeled boots. The girl was back facing them and around her were levetating pictures of Anna and Alec smiling.

The girl then closed her fist and photos crumbled and burned. The girl then opened the closet and took a shirt Alec recognized to be one of his. She then looked at the shirt and set it in pure black fire and let it fall to the ground.

"Stop!" Izzy yelled and the girl stopped. "Turn around." Izzy said and the girl smiled. She smiled and shock was read over Alec's and Izzy's faces. It was Anna, but her crystal blue eyes were now a deep brown eyes.

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