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"Insubordonation, defiance, breaking the rules! You three are in big troubles. Actually, I expected something reckless from Jace, but not as bad as this. Isabelle, I bet you are really proud of your little boyfriend and his manner of turning in not just Clary but you and your brothers too." Anabella said. Jace and Izzy looked at the floor in shame.

"And you Alexander Lightwood." Anabella said. Alec's head snapped in her direction. "You let me down. I expected more from you. From what I heard and what I saw I thought you were the mature and responsible one out of you three, but of course I was wrong." Anabella said.

"I am the mature one and I am responsible." Alec stood up angry and looked at Anabella straight in the eyes.

"Well with this situation you proved me that you are not." Anabella yelled and Alec sat down on the sofa again.

"Should I remind you that Valentine is out there, searching for the cup and his daughter? What was in your heads when you thought of letting Clary Fairchild, have the cup? Do you understand that if Clary would be caught by her father, he will also have the cup? Two things form one shot." Anabella snapped.

"Clary didn't get caught until now. And she is still here, so is the cup." Jace said.

"Clary Fairchild, is untrained. She is not even a true shadowhunter, and I am sure as hell that nobody is trusting her with the cup." Anabella said.

"Now. Give me a good reason, to not report this to the Clave, and have your runes stripped off?" Anabella asked.

On the three shadowhunters, the worry took her place on them. 

Anabella sighed. "I will try to make something so this wouldn't be saw by the Clave. In exchange I need your help. Get the cup and gave it to me. If the Clave gets the cup everybody is saved and the extinction of the downworlders won't come." Anabella said and the three shadowhunters nodded.

"Good. You are dismissed." Anabella said. Jace and Izzy got out, but when he was about to get out Anabella called his name.

"Alexander, you will have to lead a mission. A small one. Meliorn will be taken at the Silent Brothers for a trial." Anabella said.

"Doesn't that mean he might never come back?" Alec asked.

"There are chances. Why do you ask? Are you trying to defend him?" Anabella asked.

"It's just, isn't it too much?" Alec asked.

"That man is a traitor. He could side with Valentine anytime, and I am not willing to make that mistake. Besides, why are you defending him. He got your team in danger, he got your little sister in danger, his so called girlfriend to be clear. If I was Isabelle's bigger sister I would have made sure that that bastard wouldn't be breathing by now." Anabella said.

"I understand." Alec said.

"Good. Don't tell anyone that you are part of this mission." Anabella said.

"Why not?" Alec asked.

"I don't trust your sister's feelings towards Meliorn. Besides, I think she would try to stop you." Anabella expalined.

"Well, I would do as you told me." Alec said.

"Thank you Alec....Ughhhh....I mean Alexander." Anabella said.

Alec looked at Anabella confused and started to laugh. Anabella looked at him confused.

"Why are you laughing." Anabella asked.

"It's just that, I observed that you and Magnus are the only people that are calling me my full name." Alec said.

"And is it a bad thing?" Anabella asked.

"No, not at all, but I just think is really long to say it, and besides we are friends, so you could call me Alec." Alec explained.

"We are friends?" Anabella asked amazed.

"Umm yeah, sure." Alec said scratching the back of his neck.

Anabella then smiled softly and looked at the boy in front of her. "Thank you Alexander for telling me this, but I don't consider spelling your whole name something bad. Besides, I think your name is beautiful." Anabella said smiling sweetly at Alec.

The boy started to blush at the words and the sight in front of him. "W-well thank you. I-I think your name is beautiful too. " Alec said

"Thank you. Now if you will excuse me I will go and search for a certain red head girl with an important cup." Anabella said. When she was about to get out of the office she turned to Alec. "See you later." And then was out.

"Yeah, sure." Alec said to himself. He then got out of the office and decided to go to the monitor. When he took the corner he bumped into Jace.

"Woah easy. Where is the fire?" Jace joked.

"Jace. I was just making my way to the monitor room. I just finished the talk with Anabella." Alec said.

"Really? Well I got a question. Why are you blushing?" Jace asked with a smirk on his face.

"Huh?! No, it's nothing." Alec said in defence.

"Really? What happened in there? Did you two kissed or something?" Jace teased.

Alec's face became more and more red. "What?! NO! Of course not. It's nothing like that." Alec said.

"Then what did you talking about? She did something if you got so messed up." Jace said.

"It's nothing." Alec said. 

"Alec." Jace said giving Alec a look.

"Ughh, she just.....said my name was beautiful." Alec said, every word getting quieter than the one before.

"What?! Really?! Wow.....You just-. She just-." Jace said in shock having a wide smile on his face. "Oh Angels Alec. She really is something." Jace said.

"Yeah....she really is." Alec said.

"Come on, we need to see what mission we are going on next." Jace said putting his arm around his brother's shoulder and pulled him to the monitor room.

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