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"Channeling demon royalty that's quiet the request." The crone said while hitting the table. "It will cost extra." The woman said as Alec threw her two little bags with money. "Very well. I will try to channel Asmodeus, but he will come only if he desires it." The crone warned and started to chant. Suddenly Asmodeus was sitting in the place of the crone.

"Alexander Gideon Lightwood." Asmodeus said smirking.

"You know who I am?" Ales asked him suspicious.

"Of course. Clever idea calling me this way. I see the new Hecate didn't chose a fool as soulmate." Asmodeus said smirking.

"I wasn't going to risk summoning another Greater Demon into New York again, but I needed to speak with you." Alec informed.

 "How is my son?" Asmodeus asked.

"Miserable. He told Annabella he will never be happy until he will have his magic back. So please, if you ever loved your son, give back what you stole." Alec demanded.

"What I stole? My son gave me his powers in exchange to save his so called daughter. An unworthy girl that was born with demonic powers, and blood on her hands. Pathetic." Asmodeus said smirking.

"It's not pathetic. And Annabella is not unworthy of her powers. Beside what Magnus did was a selfless act." Alec said.

"One he already regrets." Asmodeus said smirking. "Immortals are not meant to grow wrinkle and grey. In time, Magnus will come through his end new. Until bitter end." Asmodeus said.

"I am here to prevent that future. To get his magic and immortality back." Alec said serious.

"Fine. I will restore both. Under one condition." Asmodeus said smiling and Alec eyed the demon. "End your relationship with Hecate." Asmodeus said.

"What?" Alec asked.

"You are the source of all her suffering. You make her vulnerable, weak, wanting to be good and not embracing her true nature. Even if I give Magnus his magic back so he can teach her she won't be able to fully control her powers and her darkness will only continue to grow." Asmodeus said.

"You are wrong. Me and Annabella love each other and Magnus support us." Alec said.

"Then I guess you two will be the death of him." Asmodeus said nonchalantly.

"Magnus will never agree to this." Alec said.

"Don't give him the choice. In fact, Magnus and Annabella can't know about this or our deal is off. Break her heart, to save his life." Asmodeus said and disappeared. Alec got up and left to go to the Institute. There he walked in his room where he found Anna looking around.

"Bella? What are you doing out of bed?" Alec asked worried.

"Searching for a ring." Anna said and Alec's eyes widened.

"Why-why would you need a ring from my room?" Alec asked trying to remember where he put his family ring.

"Because I am going to untie one of your rings and one of mine and I will transform them in some special rings called Soulmate Rings that can allow me to feel what you are feeling, to see what you are seeing and to know when you are in danger." Anna said smiling and Alec's eyes widened.

"Why do you want to make this kind of rings for us?" Alec asked curious.

"Well, since I started to feel what Jace is feeling I feel closer to him and I feel like our bond is stranger than before. I just want that with you too." Anna said and Alec smiled. He walked to a drawer and took a ring with a big saphire on it. Anna was ready to take it but Alec took it out of her reach.

Love in the darkness | A.LightwoodWhere stories live. Discover now