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Anabella's pov

We were in the office . Me, Izzy, Magnus and Lydia. Alec said that he needed to take care of some things, by the look of it, it seemed that it was something serious and that made him angry. 

"Lydia, thank you for withdrawing the charges." I said looking at the blonde woman with a sweet smile on my face.

"Don't worry about it. I just felt that everything was so unfair." Lydia said her head high, with a proud expression on her face.

"Well, thank you for doing it." Izzy said standing up and hugging Lydia.

After that Lydia exit the room. Izzy looked at me and smiled.

"Thank you the most. I bet you knew that you were going to be called by your grandma and still you managed to get me an lawyer. And you also took all the blame and punishment on you. I can't thank you enough Anna." She said. I couldn't stop smiling as I hugged her tight.

"I am sorry I couldn't do much more." I whispered.

"You kidding?! You got slapped by you grandma, the Inquisitor, for me, for my innocence. Nobody would have dared to do something like that to me." Izzy said smiling. 

She then pulled away and went to Magnus, hugging him too.

"I am sorry we didn't win the case." Magnus said upset.

"Hey, at least we lost with style." Izzy said.

A smile made it's way on Magnus's face as I giggled softly.

"You are right. I bet everybody would talk about this evening." I said amused.

"Oh you can bet. Are you sure you don't want me to go at your grandma and give her a piece of my mind?" Magnus asked smirking.

"Magnus this is the 12th time you asked me. The answer is still no." I said exasperated. "Besides, by all the fights you and her had when I was little, I think she already knows what you think about her." I said with a little smirk.

"I think I will go see what it takes Alec so much." I said as I made my way to the door.

I shut the door and made my way to the monitor room. On my way I met with my grandma. She walked pass me and walked away. When she was a few feet away from me I sighed looking at the ground.

"Grandma...." I said softly, my voice almost like a whisper. I didn't heard steps anymore, the sign telling me that she probably stopped.

"Are we really going to do that?" I asked as I turned towards her. "Are we really going to leave things like this? Are you really going to leave me again for almost 6 years alone and just talk to me only through monitors?" I asked as tears started to gather in my eyes.

"What do you expect Anabella? After all you were the one that insulted me in front of all this Institute. You are the one that made a fool out of yourself. You are the one that brought dirt on our name and honor." my grandma said as she turned to look at me.

"Would you let the honor and the name aside at least for a conversation with me?!" I snapped as a tear fell on my cheek. "I didn't see you in person for almost 6 years. No touch, no hug. Nothing! I was 15 when you send me to London. You never visited me there, not even for one damn birthday!" I yelled as tears started to fall one after one, like a waterfall. " Do you know how much I wanted you to be there? No! Of course you didn't. Because you don't care enough for me. You lost all your family, except for me. You like it or not, I am your only family and you are mine. You never came to see me at London, but you came in New York for this girl, that is nothing to you?!" I asked angry.

"It is work." my grandma said with an emotionless face.

"Work? Work." I said puffing sarcastic. "So visiting your only grand daughter should involve work for you to care?!" I asked angry.

"You know how much I am working." my grandma said.

"Of course I know! Even when I was little you would barely come to see me. You put strangers to take care of me instead of you. I was practically raised by strangers while my grandma was doing work for other people. And you are surprised I am not loyal to you?! How can I be loyal to somebody that I don't know a thing?!" I said angry, memories filling my head.

"End this nonsense Anabella. Show some respect and behave." The Inquisitor said with a stern look on and a warning voice.

"You know what? All these years I behaved as the perfect grand daughter just to make you proud of me, so in the end for you to slap me and said I am not grand daughter of yours. From now on, I will behave exactly as I think mom and dad wanted me to be!" I said determined.

"You didn't even knew them. How are you going to act like they wanted and expected you to be?" my grandma asked.  

"I heard stories from everybody about mom and dad and how they were when they were kids. I want and I will be like them, even you like it or not. Because for all I care, I am not even your grand daughter, right?" I asked looking at my grandma, her eyebrows frowned.

I closed my eyes in frustration not wanting to look at her anymore. I turned around and spoke.

"From now on, the only thing that still connect us is our name. Now with all the respect Madame Inquisitor, I will take my leave. Have a good evening and travel safe to Idris." I said and I walked to my bedroom, not even wanting to spend another second with that woman.

When I was almost to turn a corner I heard voices.

"You don't understand. I have to do this." I heard Alec saying.

"You will feel miserable. She will feel miserable. You both don't deserve that, and neither a certain blonde and you know what I am talking about." I heard Magnus saying softly, almost like begging him.

"The decision is taken." Alec said sternly. I frowned not liking the tone he was using with my friend.

"Alright. But you need to remember that once you will do it, there will be no turning back." Magnus warned Alec as he walked away.

I then walked out from my hiding and went to aAlec.

"Hey, I was looking for you!" I said smiling.

"Really?" He asked shocked by what I said.

"Yeah. I wanted to know what you needed to do and what took you so well." I explained.

"Oh um. Jace and Clary returned with the Cup and I brought it to Lydia." Alec explained.

"Why Lydia?" I asked frowning.

"Because she is the the head of the Institute." He said.

"Really? Check again, because I think I am the head of this Institute." I said with a serious face.

"Lydia came after you, and she was sent by the Inquisitor." Alec said.

"But I have more power and I can handle the position better." I said.

"I don't now what to tell you about the power subject. Your grandma just told you you are no longer her grand daughter." Alec said and I started to feel my blood boil.

"I think I have to remind you Alexander that I am still an Herondale, even my grandma agree or not. Her blood is running through my veins and If someone is good enough for the position to be the Inquisitor grand daughter well that person is ME. I made and I am making more things than Lydia did all her life. So better shut your mouth and show some respect!" I said through greeted teeth.

I turned around and stormed away to my room. I got in and threw my vest on a chair. I changed in some comfortable clothes. I stood on my bed and looked at the ceiling.

"Because Lydia is the head of the Institute!" I said mimicking Alec. "Yeah sure. Pure bullshit." I said frowning. I turned on a side as I sighed. "I hope Magnus will be up for some training tomorrow." I said as I drifted to sleep.

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