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Anabella's pov:

I was walking down the hall to the monitor room. From what I heard my grandma left last night to Idris. Well, isn't it lovely, not even saying a goodbye.

I got in the room and I saw the crew talking with Hodge and Magnus.

"Good morning everyone!" I said smiling brightly.

Everybody looked at me. Clary and Jace were surprised, probably because I didn't yelled at them  about the running subject, Izzy was smirking and Magnus was smiling brightly as he saw me.

"Good morning?" Jace said a little confuse.

"Morning Anna." Izzy said smiling. Clary and Jace soon gave her shocked looks and Izzy just shrugged.

"Morning Goldie!" Magnus said as he hugged me tightly.

"Are we missing something?" Clary asked.

"Yeah....How come you call Anabella by her short name and how come Magnus gave her a nickname?" Jace asked.

I sighed and smiled. "Magnus parctically raised me until I was 14. No I didn't lived with him, he lived at the Idris Institute so he could take care of me. I don't know why him but I am glad he raised me. My grandma was too busy with her work to look after me and wanted to know I was safe so she payed Magnus to stay with me while other shadowhunters were doing their jobes." I explained.

"But after some time I decided that I don't want to get pages to stay with her because Anna started to feel like family to me." Magnus said smiling at me.

"When I got 14 Magnus bag to leave me and come to Brooklyn because of his duties as a High Warlock. When that happened I was sent to London to finish my training. Of course I finished it quicker than anyone expected and I got to be the Head of the Institute in London when I was 15 until I had to come here to babysit all of you." I said gighling.

"All right. Everything sound strange. And your personality changed so I should ask if the end of the world is near." Clary said.

I laughed at her comment and smiled at her warmly.

"Ok. We get it. But I still have a question for Magnus. Why Goldie? " Jace said chuckling.

"Oh that's simple. When Anna was little she like a certain book. She like me to read it for her every night she would go to sleep." Magnus said.

"And that book was Goldie and the three bears." I said giggling.

They all started to laugh at the origin of my nickname until I saw at what they were looking.

"Umm, Magnus?" I asked.

"Yes Goldie?"

"Why is there a photo with Ragnor there? Did he do something? Is he in danger?" I asked starting to get worried.

"No no no. It's just that we are trying to wake up Jocelyn. Clary-"

"Clary's mother. I know. But what does Ragnor has to do with her?" I asked a little confused.

"We think he might know something about how to break the sleepy speli on Jocelyn." Jace amswered.

"Hmmm. Ok. Then I guess you will come back quickly." I said as I looked at myself.

I was wearing shorts and a sport bra. A towel hamging around my back and a water bottled in my hand. I was wearing sneakers.

"We are going to be back as fast as you say Goldie." Magnus said smirking.

I smiled as I rolled my eyes playfully at him. Suddenly I started to hear heels aproaching us, the dream from last night coming in my mind.

"Magnus, I didn't knew you were here." Lydia said smiling. Something about her was different. She looked prouder than usual.

"Well, that was the point." Magnus mumbled.

I heard vin and I looked at him confused.

"Hey What's going on? Nobody anounced me about a meeting." Alec said confused. In an instant all their faces was frowning. Some of them were throwing daggers with their looks at Alec. Well, whatever he did, I bet he vad a dead wish to do it.

"The crew is going to Ragnor Fell to ași vin something about Jocelyn." I said smiling innocently.

"Really? Do I need to come?" Alec asked, kinda desperate.

"We are just rescuing a warlock Alec. I think we will be fine." Jace said as they still were throwing daggers at the pair.

"Ok. What the actual hell is happening here?" I asked confused and frustrated.

"You didn't heard?" Lydia asked.

I looked at get dead serious while raising an eyebrow.

"Big brother and Lydia are marrying. In 2 days." Izzy said, venom clearly in her voice.

"What!?" I asked totally shocked.

Everybody looked at me not knowing what kind of reaction to expect from me. I started to take in all the information. Alec and Lydia were getting married. They don't know each other more than 3 days, while will they marry. Lydia is older than Alec, and the wouldn't fell so easy for someone after what happened to John. That means that the marriage in politic business.

"When it happened?" I asked calm.

"Last night after the trial, Alec came at me and propose." Lydia said smiling with excitement.

"So after this woman almost got yourself deruned you just jumped at the marriage step? I asked, earning some mufled laughs, and chuckle from Magnus and a glare from Lydia.

"I don't need to give explanations."Alec said coldly.

I was surprised at his behaviour towards me. But of he wants to play like this, Well then he chose the wrong oponent to mess with, because this game is my domain.

"Oh well then, I guess I could just tell you congratulations." I said smiling while rolling my eyes dramatically at them. The crew almost couldn't contain their laughs as the pair looked at me stunned. Maybe because of the behaviour.

"Oh well, if you don't have anything else to do right now I want to ask Magnus a favour." I said while snaking my arms around Magnus's arm and making puppy eyes.

"What do you really want Goldie? I know that look. Better be fun." Magnus warner playfully as I giggled.

"Oh it is. My request is if you can and want to play Fire Balls with me?" I said.

At my request Magnus's eyes widened, a big smile on his face.

"I will take that as an yes." I said pointing to his face.

"What is Fire Balls?" Alec asked confused and curious.

"Oh. It's just our way to say training." I explained.

"Why Fire Balls?" Clary asked confused.

"Come and you will find out." I said starting to walk to the training room.

"We need to meet with some representatives of the Clave." Lydia said while grabbing Alec's hand.

"Oh, i get they wouldn't mind to wait a little more." I said smirking walking away.

Magnus, Izzy, Clary and Jace were following me. Lydia was wearing a frown on her face as she looked at Alec. He just shruged and started to follow us. After him a really frustrated Lydia.

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