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Anabella woke up, gasping for air. She looked around frightened. Her bed's coverts were soaked. Anabella felt tears rolling down her cheeks and without knowing she started to sob.

"Hey Anabella. Can you help me with the arrangement?" Izzy asked as she entered the room.

She stopped shocked when she saw the blonde in her bed, sweaty and crying.

"By the Angel Anna. What happened?" Izzy asked as she get in the bed hugging her.

"Izzy...I don't-....I don't know what is happening to me." Anabella said sobbing in Izzy's arms.

"What do you mean?" Izzy said caressing the blonde's hair.

"I just keep dreaming this symbol. And I keep having this weirds dreams. This is the third one. I just saw my future self dying, and I was leaving my kids behind."

"Anna that is.....wow....I can't believe it. You really got an hard night. Maybe you shouldn't come to the wedding if you don't feel good." Izzy said rubbing circles on Anna's back trying to comfort her.

Anna stood a little silent. She then closed her eyes thinking about what to do.

"No." Anna said getting up from bed.

"No? Are you sure? " Izzy said.

"Yeah Izzy. I am not that kind of girl that will let a simple dream ruin her whole day. Besides I have to go to the wedding. I am an Herondale, I will get hit a hundred times but I always get up smiling." Anna said looking serious in the mirror.

"Wow. When you said it like that it's clear that you have no other choice." Izzy said giggling.

Anna turned to Izzy and shot her a little smile. "Thanks Izzy."

"Oh please. I just did what any other friend will do. So come here." Izzy said opening her arms.

Anna smiled and went in her arms, hugging her. "Thank you I. You really are a good friend."

"You know what else is good?" Izzy asked.


"A shower." Izzy said laughing.

"Ha ha. You are hilarious." Anna said rolling her eyes.

"I know. Now go take a shower. The wedding will start in a couple of hours." Izzy said.

"Yes ma'am" Anna said making a salute and laughing.

She got some clothes and went in her bathroom. After some time she got out a towel wrapped around her body. When she got in her room she saw her door half open.

She went to close it but then someone stopped.

"Bella can we talk?" She heard the voice of the one she clearly didn't wanted to see.

"Umm....now is not a really good time." Anna said hiding behind the door holding tight the towel around her.

"Please Bella. We need to talk!" Alec insisted while pushing the door.

"Alec no. It's not a good time." Anna said trying to push the door shut.

"Bella open the damn door." Alec said and enetered in the room.

When he got in the room his expression showed pure shock.

"God damn it Alec." Anna yelled.

"I- I-..." Alec stuttered blushing like crazy.

"When I say it's not a good time to talk ia because it is a fucking bad moment to talk." Anna snapped.

"I just wanted to talk about what happened yesterday." Alec said looking away.

"There is nothing to talk about. You made it pretty clear that you are going to marry for your family's sake and I should just probably back off." Anna yelled.

"I know I just want to say I am sorry, for telling you somehow to go back to London." Alec said trying to not look at Anna's body.

"All forgiven. Anything else?" Anna said and Alec started to think while his eyes based at Anna's body.

"My eyes are up here Lightwood!" Anna said and Alec looked quickly at her face, his face getting redder and redder. Anna smirked at jos reaction and got closer to him.

"You know, you should check out like that your future wife's body or at least the girl you are in love with." Anna said and walked to her closet.

"Are you coming at the wedding?" Alec asked.

"Why do you care if I come or not?" Anna asked.

"I am just curious." Alec answered while looking down.

Anna sighed and turned around to look at him. "Yes Alec, I am coming." She said and his head raised to look at her. "But, I am not coming for you. I am coming because I am an Herondale, and not coming to your wedding will look bad on me. And I can't add more to my grandma's rage to me, after the fact I took your sister's blame in court." Anna said looking at him with a serious face.

"Then I guess I will take my leave." Alec said and walked out. Anna let a sigh escape her lips while she turned to look at herself in the mirror.

"Everything will be fine. You will get through this. Like you always do." The whispered to herself, but somehow those words couldn't fool her.

Anna knew that today was the day when she will be broken and will need a friend. Or maybe, friends?

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