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It's been three days. In each of them Anna was training with one of the Hecates. In the first day, Anna trained with Celine. She learned about the weapons and the best way to fight, like a Protector. The second, Anna trained with Empusa. She learned how to see the worth in people, and how to channel her powers from the hope and happiness that is around her without hurting anyone. She even learned about the soulmates and how to see who is who's soulmate. In the third day, Anna trained with Scylla, who taught her how to use her powers. Scylla told Anna that the reason in her portrait she was holding two pair of baby shoes was because she gave birth to twins, a boy and Empusa. 

Now was the forth day since was in the metamorphosis and she walked to Hecate's throne room where she found the goddess sitting on her throne.

"I see you finished your training with my daughters." Hecate said smiling.

"I did." Anna said seriously.

"Good. Then I guess it's time for us to have a talk." Hecate said smiling.

"Yes. Now, what did you meant by I am the end of our mission? What mission?" Anna asked confused.

"I think you know that me and Lilith are sisters. Well my dear, even though I had the choice to live in Heaven, I never found the power in me to live without my sister. So I chose to leave with her. The angels weren't happy with me for choosing the bad side along with my sister, but they respected the loyalty I had towards her, so they punished me by creating a darkside for me. This way, my punishment was to be able to choose between good and bad and to know how to tell them apart." Hecate said smiling sadly.

"Why did you go after Lilith? Even though you were sisters, you could have seen her if you wanted." Anna said confused.

"Because I did what other older sister would have done for her younger sibling. I sacrificed my happiness, so I can keep Lilith safe." Hecate said smiling sadly. "I am a big sister, and I didn't know what danger was in Edom, so I chose to leave Heaven, so I can keep Lilith safe. But after we got in Edom Lilith changed. She became mean, evil, selfish. The caring and kind sister I once knew was gone, and I started to feel like my place wasn't by her side anymore. With each passing day I was feeling like I was drowning in darkness, and after we met Lucifer, my darkside won over me." Hecate said sad.

"Hexa?" Anna asked surprised.

"Yes. Hexa won over me. She and Lilith became Lucifer's favorite mistresses, and he had a child with each of them. Hexa gave birth to Raven, but she was incapable of love. Raven needed love, but she couldn't get it, Lilith was the only mother figure from Raven's life. I wanted to love her, I really did, but I couldn't. I wasn't able to. One day Lucifer send Hexa to the human world to bring him more mundanes in Hell, but when I got there I met my lover." Hecate said smiling. "My soulmate. I was feeling for the first time in a long time at peace, like someone is able to love me as much as I love them. And I was right, he loved me more than anything." Hecate said smiling.

"How was he?" Anna asked smiling.

"He was honorable. Dumb some times, a big dork, funny, he was able to understand me just by a look. He could calm me down just by staying next to me." Hecate said getting closer to a portret where there was a couple. Anna's eyes widened. The man in the photo looked a lot like Alec. "Some times I feel his touch, and some times I swear I could even hear his voice calling me." Hecate said smiling.

"He look so much like-" Anna wanted to say  but Hecate cut her off.

"Your boyfriend? Alexander?" Hecate asked smiling.

"Yes. How is that possible?" Anna asked shocked.

"This is were I wanted to get to." Hecate said smiling. "You and Alexander are mine and Matteo's reincarnations." Hecate said and Anna felt like something hard hit her.

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