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"Explain. Now!" Anna demanded as she looked at the two.

"Celine's great grand mother was Hecate. From what I know from Hecate's side of the family were just women that had powers. Your mother's father was a shadowhunter. He loved your mother truly, he trained her and taught her everything he knew. Her mother, died giving birth to her. Celine's witch side was stronger than her shadowhunter side, so she got the immortality of a witch. After her father's death, Celine decided to take care of others, this way she found me. I was just 10 years old when she found me, so she raised me. After I grew older, Celine taught me more and more about her magic. She was always writing in a strange book, from what she told me, all her ascendants did the same." Magnus explained.

"Celine found me one night and helped me with my family and my thirst. She was like a second mother." Raphael said.

"One night, when me and Celine were searching for some ingredients we heard fighting noises. She didn't think and just acted on her instincts. She saw 2 men fighting a great demon, she got in the fight and used her magic to kill the demon. That night she met Stephan Herondale and Paul Ravensore." Magnus explained.

"Dad? But grandma said that-" Anna said.

"Your grandma lied. Stephan never found Celine hurt somewhere. She was the one that saved them, but so that no one could suspect anything they said that story so your father be seen as an hero." Raphael said.

"The thing about your parents was that they didn't saw things in the same light. When your father saw your mother using magic but also being a shadowhunter, he thought that she was a strange creation, maybe an even greater demon. He wasn't completely wrong, but your mom knew the difference between good and bad and how to use her powers. She tried to explain him that but he didn't listen, not long after they saw each other, your father contacted your mother and asked for her help in saving his parabatai. Celine was skeptical but she knew that she couldn't just let a person die because of her hate for somebody. Celine saved Paul, who got hurt in a demon attack, and Stephan was really grateful for the help." Magnus said.

"After that, your father started to ask favor after favor from your mother and she started to grew tired and more frustrated. In the end she snapped and never spoke to him. Stephan tried to contact her, but Celine refused to even look at him. She had a heart of gold, but Stephan used it for the shadowhunters's benefit." Raphael said.

"One night, Celine and us went to a party, because Celine was invited by the Seelie Queen to talk about her powers and how Celine could help the downworlders. That night, Stephan was there. He was looking after demons that were said were seen in that club. What we didn't expected was for the Seelie Queen to try and stab Celine. Stephan killed the guards and saved Celine and in the end he asked for forgiveness." Magnus said.

"Celine forgave him, and from his happiness Stephan offered Celine to went to the Idris Institute were she could train as a proper shadowhunter and live there in peace. Celine accepted but asked for me and Magnus to come along. Of course we couldn't go so we had to search for places to stay, this way Magnus found his lair and I found the vampires from Brooklyn." Raphael explained.

"As for your mother, she and Stephan fell in love. The boy became more mature and Celine was happier. Soon they got married and they expected a baby." Magnus said smiling.

"But warlocks and witches can't have kids. weren't they afraid that they could lose me? Wasn't mom afraid that my birth could kill her?" Anna sked worried.

"There were risks but Celine always dream of having her own family. When you were born words couldn't describe the happiness your parents felt when they saw you. Your father was crying and was holding you tight. He thought for a moment that you were just an illusion. The image of an angel sent from above. that's what he said." Magnus said smiling wide.

"He clearly didn't knew what he talked about." Raphael said chuckling.

"I am an angel, even though I made you hard days." Anna said smirking.

"Alright. The thing was that when you opened your eyes, they were glowing silver. After that the Hecate symbol appeared on your forehead. Your mom got worried that when everybody will found out about that you were going to have to hide and never talk to anybody. So she asked me to help her cast a spell. The spell was that your powers were suppose to stay hidden even from you until you got at an age when you could understand all the situation. The spell wasn't strong to stop things that can hurt you emotionally to not trigger your powers. So when you found out that you were going to have a brother and that he died, your powers showed and you were so scared about them that I had to erase that memory from your mind. The little green music box you dream of it's real. We hide it from you because it's song somehow made you remember about something that is linked to your powers. My guess was that the music was cursed to make you come to your old self." Magnus explained.

"I am cursed?" Anna asked shocked.

"You are not cursed. It's more like a protecting spell. You can't handle all your powers all at the same, so the spell was made that after you found out you will start to use magic, you will grew stronger and stronger. Hecate's powers are beyond compare, even bigger than a greater demon. She even was a greater demon, but she gave up on being that when she fell in love with a man. So she got in the will of angels. Hecate was Lilith sister so when Lilith found out about that Hecate decided to hide her new born daughter and so your great grandma lived in the human world under the will of angels. Anna, you are the fifth generation that comes from Goddess Hecate. We knew how powerful a greater demon can be, and we didn't want all the responsibility of controlling that huge power on your new born shoulder. So we did the spell, but to do that we needed and anchor, and that was your ascendants. So we made that when your last ascendant will die your powers will be free." Magnus explained.

"What will happen when my last ascendant will die? I mean how the process will be?" Anna asked.

"We don't know. From what I know from Celine, when she turned 18 her skin got green and her runes disappeared. After some days she was back to normal. In this process the power of Hecate makes the new goddess a true witch or a shadowhunter. Your mother was more a witch than a shadowhunter, but she could still use the weapons." Magnus explained.

"How about the union and parabatai runes? Did she do that?" Anna asked.

"Celine never wanted a parabatai. She thought that having someone feeling like dying if she got hurt or something was a thought she couldn't bare. The union rune didn't hurt her. Why do you ask?" Magnus asked curious.

"Magnus....back in London. I found somebody and we fought good together so we wanted to be parabatai. But at the ceremony the rune burned me. I was dealing with so much pain for three weeks and my friend couldn't feel anything from me." Anna said looking down.

"Maybe because she wasn't suppose to be your parabatai." Magnus said and Anna's head looked up at him in pure confusion. "What I am saying is that you are something unique in the world. Maybe you had a unique parabatai. You know like soulmates, you get just one in your life." Magnus suggested.

"I don't know if I am willing to go through that pain all over again, just to found out that the person I thought will be my parabatai isn't what I expected." Anna said looking down.

"Don't worry Goldie. From now on you will understand what is happening with you. But for that to happen we need the book your mother and your grandmothers wrote in." Magnus said.

"I don't even know how it even look." Anna confessed.

"It's a brown book, with Hecate's symbol on it." Magnus said.

"Strange, I thing I dreamed about it too. You know in my last dream I waked in the Idris Institute and saw 3 pictures, one with me as a child with the green music box, the second with the mother me self holding some baby shoes in her hands and the third one with the old me self holding this brown book with the symbol in it. Then I saw my parents walking and they went in my room and they disappeared and the rest you know." Anna explained.

"Strange. I think we need to search for this things. But first we need to find the book so we can know what is happening with you." Magnus said.

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