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Anna and Magnus came out of the portal and landed in the living room.

"So what now? We got the book but we can't open it." Anna said irritated after she tried for 15 minutes.

"I don't know. Maybe I could find something in my books and I will go to one of my friends, Caterina, to see with what she can help. I might come back in the morning." Magnus said.

"Alright. Call me if you find something." Anna said and Magnus went to his library. "It's too quiet. Where is Jace?" Anna asked.

"He left not long after you and Alec this morning." Magnus answered as he came back with at least 10 books. "Alright. These are my most powerful and oldest books I have. If I can't find something here, then I will find something at Caterina." Magnus explained.

"This is a lot. Are you sure you can read all of them in just one night?" Anna asked not sure about what her warlock friend said.

"Have some faith in me Goldie." Magnus said and made a portal. "I will come back tomorrow." 

"Fine. Good night." Anna said smiling.

"Night Goldie." And with that Magnus was gone.

Anna just took the bunny in her hands and placed it in her room. She took out the music box and put it on the night stand. Anna then heard a knock at the door and walked to it. She opened the door and was greeted with the image of her boyfriend.

"Hey." Anna greeted as Alec entered.

"Hey. Someone at home?" Alec asked.

"Ummm no. Jace left hours ago and Magnus just left to see how we can open my mom's book. He will come back tomorrow." Anna explained.

"Good." Alec said and smashed his lips with Anna.

She pulled then away, her hands resting on his chest. "Wow. Well, I miss you too, but I don't think is compared to you." Anna giggled.

"Bella, I think we can get to the next step." Alec said.

"The sex step?" Anna asked surprised. "Alec, I- I don't know what to say. It's just, it's rare for me to feel something so strong for somebody and I am afraid that if we rush into this we might loose each other." Anna said taking a step back.

"What? Why would you think that?" Alec asked shocked.

"Look, you are not the only one that feels vulnerable. And it's our first time, for both of us, and I am not the kind of girl that comfortable with her body. What if I am not what you want?" Anna said and looked down at her feet.

"Bella hey..." Alec said as he got closer to her. "You have nothing to worry about. I want this. I want you." Alec said and kissed Anna passionately. She took some steps back and found herself between Alec's body and a wall.

Alec pressed his body against Anna and deepened the kiss. He pulled her closer and the kiss got hungrier. Anna then jumped and wrapped her legs around Alec's waist, not daring to break the kiss. Anna snaked her hands in Alec's hair, tangling her fingers in it and pulling it gently. Alec groaned in pleasure and Anna smirked in the kiss. He started to play the hem of her shirt, massaging her abdomen and Anna groaned in frustration.

Alec started to walk to the bedroom with Anna in his arms. He put Anna gently on the bed and started to kiss her neck. Anna was a moaning mess, she grabbed his shirt, starting to pull it little by little.

"Off." Anna mumbled and Alec looked at her confused. Anna just pulled the shirt over his head and looked at him. She started to run her fingers along his arms and Alec looked at her, a shiver going down his spine. Anna's hands reached Alec's neck and she pulled him for an hungry kiss. With one move, Anna was over Alec kissing him. She then felt her eyes burning and pulled away.

Love in the darkness | A.Lightwoodحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن