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Anna, Jace, Clary, Izzy and Alec were on one of the streets of New York City. They were alerted that a demon was there and when they arrived they saw a huge demon flying around. 

"Where is it?" Jace asked as they arrived.

"It should be on top of us?" Alec informed.

"Alec!" Jace yelled and they all looked where Jace was looking. And they saw it, a huge and flying demon.

"I never saw a demon like this before." Izzy said while having her sword out.

"Me neither." Ann confessed.

"On your six!" Jace informed and they switched. Alec tried to shoot the demon but he missed.

"Do you see it?" Izzy asked while they looked around them.

"What the hell is he waiting for?" Clary asked frustrated.

"Taking another round and then attacking." Anna explained as she prepared her daggers.

They looked around and saw the demon coming to the.

"Alec?" Izzy said unsure.

"Relax I got this." Alec said aiming the demon.

Anna then made the the tip of the arrow burn in a purple flame and Alec looked at her.

"It's more stronger. Now shoot!" Anna instructed and Alec shoot the demon.

The demon parted in 5 little demons, some getting on walls, others on cars. Alec shoot 2 and Anna got one but two of them escaped. Anna sighed in frustration and looked at them.

"Let's go. We don't have time to waste." Anna instructed as she got her dagger and put it inside one of her pockets. The others followed her.

"Hey, what was the thing with the arrow in flames?" Izzy asked.

"Oh, it's a new spell I learned. It makes the weapons stronger that way and kills faster. I think because I am still practicing it the spell wasn't strong enough to kill the demon entirely." Anna explained and the others nodded.


After some time, Clary and Jace went to Idris to help protecting the Mortal Mirror. Izzy, Alec and Anna stayed at the Institute trying to solve the demon problem.

"So, they are multiplying. Guess mommy demon and daddy demon got kids really fast." Anna said looking at the map with red points.

"Not the time." Alec said looking at Anna.

"You need to admit it was a little funny." Anna said smirking while making a little sign with her fingers.

Alec rolled his eyes, but a little smile came on his face while he looked back at the map. "What are they waiting for?" Alec asked.

"I don't know, but usually demons don't come in this realm to just visit." Izzy said.

"Why not? Maybe over centuries they finally got some manners." Anna said and Izzy rolled her eyes. "And you told me to shut up when I am telling you that you are a lot like your brother." Anna said gasping.

The siblings looked at her, then at each other and then they chuckled.

"You are welcome." Anna commented smirking.

"We need to find the rift from where the demons are coming from." Izzy informed.

"We will need a warlock for that." Alec said.

"Not any warlock, the strongest one." Anna said. "Good thing is you have a soon-to-be-a-goddess right here. But yeah, I will try to convince Magnus to help us." Anna said smiling.

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