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Anna and Alec were in the Institute waiting for news about Jace when they saw Lydia.

"Hey, Lydia." Anna called. "Have you heard something about Jace?" She asked and Lydia smiled softly.

"He is on the trial with the Soul Sword. I am still waiting for news just like you." Lydia informed.

"Thank you." Alec said and Lydia left.

Anna got closer to him and snaked her hand in his and gave it a little squeeze. Alec looked at her and give her a smile. "Are you gonna be ok?" Anna asked worried.

"I will. Once Jace will put his hand on the Soul Sword the truth will come out, and everybody will know that he is innocent." Alec said.

Anna nodded and rubbed his arm in comfort. Alec turned to her and pulled her in a hug which she didn't hesitate to return. "I really needed that." Alec whispered in her hair.

"Glad I could help." Anna said smiling in the hug.

"We really need to go on that date." Alec said rubbing Anna's back.

"I know. And we will. We just have to wait until this whole situation calm down. Or at least until Jace gets back.

Suddenly the lights started to shine red and Anna and Alec made their way to the main room. There they found a shadowhunter on the ground dead, a hole in his chest. Not far away from him another one was sitting down, one of his hands covered in blood.

"Oh my God, Welkie." Clary exclaimed shocked when she saw the dead man on the ground.

"What happened here?" Anna asked.

"Hole punched right through his chest." Lydia said.

"Jus like our mundane in the morgue." Izzy concluded and Anna frowned at the information.

Alec bended down to examine the body. Suddenly he stood up and looked serious at everybody. "The demon is in the Institute." Alec announced.

"Activate the emergency surveillance. Victor's unreachable. I've ordered the Institute be put on quarantine until we kill this thing." Lydia informed as she walked with the rest to a planning table

"But I don't get it. How the demon got inside the Institute?" Clary asked.

"Probably he used the dead body as a Troyan Horse so he can get inside. He let us do the job." Anna concluded.

"I didn't know that demons could do that." Clary said confused.

"They couldn't." Alec said.

"This new form of possession, cloaking ability targeting , it's..." Izzy said.

"Valentine." Clary continued.

"His experiments." Anna said angry.

"Mom told me how he was determined to create a super-being that could defeat the Clave. It's what he tried to do with Jace." Clary informed and they all nodded.

"Both victims had damage to the prefrontal cortex. The demon must be feeding on negative emotions." Izzy informed.

"So that means being optimistic and no anger, guilt, worry, hate or rage. Good, I am an expert at that." Anna said smirking.

The rest just chuckled and shook their heads. "So we continue to scan for venom and heat signatures." Alec said.

Right. Alec, you check the living quarters. Clary and Izzy, you two take the utility tunnels. And Anna you are coming with me." They all nodded and parted.

Anna went with Lydia by her side looking around. 

"You know, this feels like that old times we were in London with John." Anna said smiling.

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