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Raven was walking around the Institute in Anna's self. Owl never showed again after the news broke and Raven was now the only one that could be in the Institute.

"I got your call. Now does somebody wants to tell me why would my brother be the Owl?" Raven asked acting like Anna.

"I saw him Anna! The Owl's mask fell and his face appeared." Clary said angry.

"How do I know you are not lying? Jace came with me at the Institute last night and he was fine. I let him in his room to sleep and the next morning I woke up you are telling everyone he is the Owl." Raven said angry.

"She is not lying Anna. I saw it too." Magnus said.

"What if it was a trick? We know the Owl is a powerful demon. What if he masked his face again using Jace's?" Raven asked.

"Anna, he is Jace, or at least it's him but controlled. Look, whatever happened to him, it happened while he said he was at the Silent Brothers." Magnus said.

"Why do you say that?" Lace asked confused.

"Because, one of the Brother told us Jace never went to the Silent Brother." Clary said.

"Hey, didn't you said you two came from them when we met?" Alec asked Raven.

"Yes. Why do you ask?" Raven asked.

"If what Magnus and Clary say, then you lied." Alec said and Raven knew she couldn't lie. "You never went after Jace didn't you?" Alec asked.

"Well, why would I go to get Jace, when I actually went with him?" Raven asked smirking.

"You are not Anna." Magnus said as he backed.

"Finally someone guessed it. You know it was pretty annoying to play the role of your girlfriend, or to be a Shadowhunter and protect mundanes. Sorry to break it to you, but I prefer more to eat their lungs at dinner. "Raven said smirking.

"You are the Raven." Clary said.

"Bravo Miss Wonder. I swear, between you and your brother, he is the fast thinker not you." Raven said smirking.

"Jonathan is alive?" Clary asked.

"Not yet. But he will come back soon. And when he will, we will rule together, as husband and wife, just like it should be." Raven said smirking as she tried to walk away but a band wrapped around her arm pulling her back.

"You are not going anywhere until I get my daughter back." Magnus said angry.

"You want your daughter back? Here she comes." Raven said and with her dagger she cut the band and launched at Magnus trying to kill him. Alec started to fight Raven and she smirked. "How can an Hecate came so low to such a Shadowhunter like you!" Raven said amused. "Along history, the Hecates fell in love with Shadowhunters that were unique, but you? You are useless, and not special in any way. Anabella deserve much better. She deserves a king, and Jonathan will be the perfect king." Raven said smirking and Alec got angry and he tried to punch her but she dodged and put him on the ground.

"Bella doesn't love Jonathan!" Alec said struggling.

"Not now. But eventually, she will learn to love him." Raven said smirking and when she saw the others trying to attack her she jumped up near the door. "I would love to stay and play, but my big brother needs me, and soon I will meet my groom. See you never!" Raven said and run away. Alec, Izzy and Clary tried to catch her but she was too fast.

"Damn it." Alec said punching the wall.

"Anna is the Raven." Izzy said still shocked.

"I knew something about those powers was familiar." Magnus muttered.

Love in the darkness | A.LightwoodOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz