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In the morning everything was peaceful. No demon emergency, Valentine was captured. Alec and Izzy were walking down the halls where they were met with Sebastian.

"Hey guys, have you two seen Anna?" Sebastian asked.

"We didn't. Actually we are searching for her." Alec said.

"Maybe she is with Jace. I know if I would find my lost brother I would try to spend as much time I can with him." Izzy said smiling.

They made their way to Jace's room and found him on his bed. 

"Hey." Jace greeted.

"Hey. Have you seen Anna?" Izzy asked.

"My sister? Not since last night." Jace said. "I thought she would be with you." Jace said looking at Alec.

"Well she isn't." Alec said and made his way out looking for Anna. The others followed him close and when they got closer to Anna's room they heard music. They arrived at the door and heard a loud volume of music coming from there. Alec looked at the others and everybody was confused. 

Alec opened the door and what they were met was strange for their eyes. Anna was jumping on her bed, with an ice cream in her hands singing along on a rhythmic song. She was wearing a yellow t-shirt and blue jeans her hair in a messy bun. While jumping Anna saw her friends and a wide smile made it's way on her face. She jumped off the bed and turned off the music.

"JACE!" Anna said smiling and hugged her brother.

"Ummm hey there sis." Jace said chuckling while hugging his sister. 

"Izzy! My badass girl!" Anna said smiling and hugged her too. Izzy giggled and hugged her. "Hey Seby Raby my best friend!" Anna said smiling wide and hugged Sebastian. "And hello ALec, my handsome boyfriend." Anna said hugging him and then she pulled him for a kiss. She then pulled away and got on her bed. "Guys, get some ice cream!" Anna said smiling and waved her hands, a cup with ice cream appearing in everyone's hands.

"You seem happy." Izzy said and Anna smiled.

"Because I am. Let's see! I have a wonderful best friend, I have a lovely and hot boyfriend, my best friend is safe and sound, my grandma started to act like an actual grandma, the devil is captured and I can make his last days a living hell, AND I FOUND OUT THAT MY LITTLE BROTHER IS ALIVE AND HE IS NEXT TO ME!" Anna said smiling and landing on her back on the bed. "My life starts to look brighter and I feel that all the pieces are put together." Anna sighed happily.

Everybody got closer to her and sit around her on the bed eating ice cream. They looked at Anna who was looking around as a little child that got his favorite candy. 

"Well guys, I wish we could talk more but I have to go." Jace said.

"Already?" Anna said with a sad face.

Jace chuckled and ruffled her hair. "Yeah Anna, but don't worry, we will have pleantly of time to talk." Jace said smiling.

"Ok baby brother. See you later." Anna said and Jace walked out of the room. 

"Well, that was sweet and strange to watch, but I think we need to go back to our business." Izzy said and looked at Sebastian and he nodded.

"Alright. See you later guys." Anna said continuing to eat her ice cream.

They got up and Alec got closer to Anna and stared at her. She turned to him and saw him looking at her. "What?" Anna asked confused. "Do I have ice cream on my face?" Anna asked.

"No no. Ok maybe a little at the corner of your mouth." Alec said chuckling and Anna licked her lips. "It's just, it's wonderful to see you that happy." Alec said and put Anna between his legs, making her lean against his chest.

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