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"Magnus we need to find out what that strange wave was from Lorenzo's house." Alec said as he walked inside the warlock's apartement.

"I know. It was strange, even the fact Anna's marks shinned bloody red. It only happened to Hecates when she was close to energy from Edom." Magnus said as he started to think.

"So you think a demon from Edom escaped and he tries to play games here?" Alec asked.

"The energy we felt, came from greatest demons. A really powerful one. But Lorenzo can't be right." Magnus said thinking.

"Right about what?" Alec asked.

"Lorenzo accused me of working with Asmodeus." Magnus confessed.

"Why would Lorenzo accuse you of working with a greater demon? Especially one as strong as Asmodeus?" Alec asked confused.

"Asmodeus and I have history. He is one of the only demon that are capable of this." Magnus said.

"It's not like we haven't fought creates demons before, but we never saw something like what happened at that party." Alec said.

"It has to do with the ley lines." Magnus said.

"Does that mean the Seelie Queen is involved? What do the demons have to do with the ley lines?" Alec asked confused.

"Healthy ley lines are the energy source for all magic. Seelies and Warlocks alike. But they can become corrupted." Magnus said and Alec nodded. "Asmodeus is not just a Greater Demon, he is the most powerful prince of hell. And if Lorenzo is right, what happened at the party is just the beginning." Magnus warned.

"And you knew him personally....because...." Alec said expecting for Magnus to continue.

"Asmodeus is my father." Magnus confessed and Alec was frozen and shocked.

"Does Bella know about this? I mean you and Asmodeus?" Alec asked.

"Yes, she does." Magnus sighed and he sit down in his armchair. "When Anna was little, her powers started to show up. I tried to beach her to control them, but for her age, her darkside was too strong. Once she found out about her parents and her brother she broke down, she almost destroyed the Institute. Imogen asked me to read get memories about her powers, so the can be prepared emotionally before physically. For her memories to be kept safe, I had to leave her. She used her powers to get the information about me and Asmodeus, and I met her keep it, so the can know who I am. I wanted that memory to keep her away from me, but the just saw the father figure in me, not the demon." Magnus said and Alec nodded as he pat his shoulder.

"You are a good man Magnus. If Bella stood by your side so many years after everything, believe me when I tell you that you have something special." Alec said and Magnus nodded.

"We need to do something. Anna sincer just when Azazel was near her, and at the party she groaned in a lot of pain, and he wasn't even in front of her. I don't want to know what can happen to get if she will meet him." Magnus said worried.


"You are gonna use the Angelic Core. Are you serious?" Raj asked.

"Look, this is our only chance to stop the corruption. We will feed the ley likes with the angelic energy and we will end this once and for all." Alec explained.

"So your plan is basically drain out." Clary said.

"The only problem is that the Institute is not build on any ley line." Anna concluded as she looked at the map in front of her and when she looked at Raj she saw him giving her a victorius smirk. "At least not yet." Anna said smirking devilish.

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