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Anna was alone at Magnus. Jace and Clary left to search for Madzie and Magnus left for a meeting with the other leaders of the Downworld from New York. She wanted to go and help Jace and Izzy, but Magnus told her to stay and study her anscendants. So here she was reading about the former Hecates.

Hecate, as in the Goddess of witchcraft is the one and only sister of Lilith, Queen of Edom and Mother of demons. As Lilith is the mother of demons, Hecate is the mother of witches and warlocks. Having enough of the demons presence and her sister behavior, Hecate asked help from the Angel Raziel and asked to leave Edom and live on Earth. Raziel accepted, but the condition was for Hecate to become an helper of the Shadowhunters. Hecate accepted and soon she was considered the woman that Shadowhunters went for help and wisdom. Hecate soon fell in love with a mundane and this way the first of many witches were born. Hecate gave birth to just one child, that being her daughter, Scylla. Hecate was the witnesses of the battle between Lucifer and his brother. After the fight, Hecate decided to hide the sword Lucifer used and decided to hide it, so nobody can use it. Her relationship with her sister soon grew cold and Hecate was banned from seeing Lilith ever again, but Hecate was a sister and loved Lilith too much to stay away. As punishment, Lilith cursed her sister, that every time she will come near her, Hecate's mark was going to burn her. Hecate didn't considered the curse and decided to finally talk with Lilith after so many years without her. That discussion ended Hecate's life, dying from burning and the pain from her head.

"Well that some lovely siblings relationship." Anna mumbled and looked through the book. "Alright book, teach me the basic magic for a witch." Anna mumbled looking over the pages, but then the book started to float and then it showed Anna a page where it explained how to make a portal, a fireball, or turning into an animal. "Ok, that was awesome. Let's see. How about creating a portal....." Anna said and stood up. She did as in the book and nothing happened.

She tried at least four times but nothing happened. "Ugh...why is this so hard?" Anna asked irritated. "Ok. OK. I can do this. I just need a calm and peaceful mind." Anna said and closed her eyes. She then opened them and waved her hand from down to up and a portal appeared in front of her. "Ok, time to test it." Anna said smiling and took a book from the bookshelf and throw it in the portal while thinking for the book to get to Magnus's bedroom. In a second the portal disappeared and then it appeared in Magnus's bedroom.

"I did it! I fucking did it!" Anna exclaimed and turned to the book. "Ok, now how to hold objects and moving them." Anna said and started to concentrate. She closed her eyes and when she opened them she saw the couch floating. Anna smiled and giggled. She them moved her hands around and others things started to move. "Well things get better." Anna said smiling proudly of her. "Well, better get back to the Institute and see how others are doing." 

Anna took her book and make herself a portal. She walked through it and she found herself in her room. She smiled and put her book in her closet, in a shirt, under dome clothes. "Better be sure and take no risks." Anna said and made her way out.

She walked to the monitor room but then she heard voices.

"Look, I don't have time to argue. Either help me, or get out of the way." She heard Alec warning someone.

"Or you do what?" She heard Aldertree asking and she felt her blood boiling.

"Remember when I said you are hiding something? Supplying Yin Fen to a subordoner. The next field medic should know better." She heard Alec saying and she was shocked but proud of her boyfriend and his way of mocking Aldertree.

"And you expect anyone to actually believe this ridiculous accusation?" Aldertree asked and Anna smieked.

"Maybe not from him, but I bet Idris is dying to heard such a juicy rumor about you Aldertree. And it will be even bigger if I am the one delivering it, so Idris might believe it's true." Anna said inspecting her nails and then smirking at Aldertree. He glared at her but Anna just shrugged and got by Alec's side.

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