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Anabella stood up, all eyes now being on her. Izzy's face being paler at she saw the expression the blonde girl was wearing. Anabella made her way to the stand. She sit on the chair, next to the Inquisitor and looked at the crowd. Everybody was shocked, and Izzy, Alec and Magnus were even scared.

"Miss Herondale, I will ask you the same question I put for miss Branwell. Why are you prosecuting this case?" Magnus asked, now wearing an emotionless face too.

"The law is hard but is the law." Anabella said looking at the crowd, a perfect poker face on, and her grandma was smiling proudly at the girl's behaviour.

"It is your law to sacrifice someone of your own?" Magnus asked.

"It's not, but the fact Isabelle Lightwood went behind her commander's back and went against direct orders it's something that needs to be punished." Anabella said, not daring to even glance at the two siblings.

"But as I said before, she prevented a war between shadowhunters and seelies." Magnus said raising an eyebrow.

"Maybe, but that doesn't chance the fact that the head of the Institute shouldn't have known about this. In this situation she didn't just ashamed her family, but also the Institute before the Clave." Anabella said harshly.

"Shouldn't the head of the Institute also say something about an unaofficial way to send the seelie to the Silent Brothers?" Magnus asked.

At his question, Anabella's eyes snapped in Magnus's direction. A glimpse of worry present in her eyes but she just hide it.

"The fact that I sent one of the best soldier in this Institute in this mission, to sent a traitor to the Silent Brothers, didn't seem to be a thing that bad when all this happened. The traitor being also this girl's ex-boyfriend. I knew that her feelings are still there, and didn't wanted her to get involved with anything, because as everybody says: Feelings cloud judgement." Anabella said.

After Anabella's words Magnus just seemed beat up. He looked at Izzy, a sorry smile playing on his lips. 

"Well, if this is everything, then I guess we should end this and declare the verdict." The Inquisitor said with a stern face and a pleased smirk on her face.

"Actually, I would like to say the verdict." Anabella said getting all the eyes in the room.

"And why would you do that?" The Inquisitor asked with a raised eyebrow.

"One day I might be the next Inquisitor, I might as well practice." Anabella said looking at the crowd with an emotionless face. 

The Inquisitor smirked at the blonde's words and looked at the crowd. "Very well." The Inquisitor said.

Anabella nodded and raised from her chair. "By the power of the Clave, I, Anabella Herondale" Anabella started but her look soon got at Magnus. He looked defeated. Anabella then looked at Izzy, she was looking at the ground ready to hear the word 'guilty'. The Anabella looked at Alec, his head in his hands, defeated and couldn't accept the fact that his little sister was going to be a mundane. Anabella felt guilty, she felt sorry for everything that happened. 

"I....I..." Anabella said looking at the crowd with a worried look.

"What is it Anabella? Go on. Say it." The Inquisitor said in a stern voice.

Anabella sighed and looked at crowd once more, a determined look on her face. "I declare myself guilty." Anabella said closing her eyes and waiting for the reactions she was going to get.

"What?!" the Inquisitor asked anger visible on her face. Everybody was shocked at the statement Anabella made.

"I declare myself guilty on almost putting the shadowhunters in danger, by almost starting a war." Anabella said. "I was the one that asked Meliorn to come here so I can find some things about Valentine, thinking that the seelies got by his side, just because they stopped to talk with us. I mean, they did all that because they were trying to protect themselves." Anabella explained.

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