Chapter 2

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"Its just... around her I can be different you know. I'm the new and improved Clay Jensen" Clay said with a small grin on his face, "High school sophomore, archaeologist-slash-adventurer" 

Alex smiled at Clay, "well I just think that maybe you should tell her how you feel, i mean you never know, you two could be perfect for each other," Alex told her and pat clay on the shoulder who grinend thankfully down at her

"You know I cant just tell her" Clay says and Alex nods her head, "Please don't say anything to her" he begged alex

"I wont clay, you have my word" Alexandra tells Clay truthfully and nods her head. She turned to where Monty was before, but to her surprise, the boy was gone. A long sigh fell from her lips and she turned back around to look at Clay, "I'm gonna go find Hannah and Kat" she said and he nodded his head, watching the girl walk through the body of people before deciding to follow her.


Clay, Kat, Hannah and Alex stood outside on the balcony, watching Justin Foley and Zach Dempsey wrestling each other on the grass under the sprinklers, mud covering all of their clothes now. 

Alex was in a semi bad mood because Montgomery had messaged her and told her that something had come up and he had to leave, not even saying good bye to her.

"Meet the boys. Justin Foley is mine, and Zach Dempsey is for you Hannah" Kat says and points to the two of them

"Zach Dempsey? Really?" Clay asked in disgust as he looked down at the two boys

Alex playfully shoved Clay, "Come on Clay, Z is great. He's super sweet and a total softy" Alex defends one of her best friends as she watched the two boys with a smirk on her face

"Yeah and besides, he is like totally in love with Alex, but she is with Monty so that means you can have Zach" Kat adds as they watch the two boys being idiots on the grass. Kat put her red solo cup down and began clapping loudly, causing the two boys to separate from each other and stand up

"Yes! Liberty High's star athletes, ladies and gentleman!" Kat called as the two boys grinned widely, both of their grins growing even more as they noticed Alexandra behind Kat, "so impressive, sorry boys. Cant have you in Hannah's house soaking wet" Kat says seriously

The grin on their faces drops and Justin quickly becomes pissed off, "seriously?" Justin asks in annoyance, looking towards Alex to help them out

"Oh my god. Look at yourselves" Kat says so Justin pulls his shirt off, showing his chest and tattoos

"Better?" He asks her with a hopeful smirk on his face

"Improvement for sure. But sorry, its still a no-go" Kat says with a fake pout on her lips

"Oh come on, its not a party without us!" Zach says in annoyance

"Getting a bit cocky there huh Z?" Alex asks with a grin on her face as she walks closer to the railing, leaning her elbows on it as she looked down at them

"oh come on Lexi, surely you will let us in" Justin and Zach both whine with pouts on their faces, knowing that she was their best option. Alex rolled her eyes with a grin

"Sorry boys, not my house. So its not my rules" she says and then goes down the stairs and then runs at them, tackling them to the ground in the mud, all of them getting wet and muddy. Alex was laughing as the boys groaned under her from the unexpected impact.

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