Chapter 66

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"Come on. Let's be honest, knowing the two of them, Jessica is going to be walking down the halls like the mother fucking queen that she is and Alex is just going to be awkward as fuck" Lexi grins widely as she chuckles softly. Her and Zach make their way through the halls to help Alex out, after what had happened, the two of them had been there to help him

The duo finally spot Jess and Alex walking infront of them and they speed up but obviously Zach was a lot faster than Lexi due to her being so short. And of course, to make matters worse, he was so much taller than her

"I'll take that" Zach says as he grabs the back of Alex's backpack and begins to carefully tug it off the boys back so he could carry it
"I can carry my own fucking books" Alex says but it was obvious that the boy was struggling so Zach continued his efforts to take the bag off of him

"Just give it to him Alex. He is stubborn as shit" Lexi says with a laugh and playfully elbows Zach in the chest, "between you and me, I think his ego gets boosted when he carried other people's things, makes him seem all gentlemanly like don't you think?"

Alex cracked a smile finally as he nodded his head at the girl, "totally," he agreed

"Yeah well clearly you can't carry your own books so let me help and don't be a dick" Zach says simply, shrugging his shoulders with a little bit of attitude

Zach gives Alex a stern look and then turns to Lexi "that goes for you too missy"

Lexi put her hand to her heart in fake hurt and let out a fake painful scoff "me? How could I ever be a dick. I'm the sweetest, most amazing, kindest girl on the planet"

"Yeah, and you're real modest too right?" Zach asked her with a smirk, raising his eyebrows at the girl

"Ugh, rude," Lexi playfully argued back

"By the way, welcome back" Zach and Lexi both say to the pair. Lexi gives Jess a wide smile and throws her arms around the girl, giving her friend a hug

"Thank you" Jessica replies with a smirk but
Alex doesn't say it instead he brings up a different topic

"I meant to ask you guys about my note" Alex says and all three of them look at the boy in confusion but deep down they all knew which note he was referring to

"What note" Zach asks the boy quickly

"My suicide note" Alex says and pulls the note out of his pocket. Their eyes all widen in shock and Zach instantly begins to freak out as he tries to shove the not back into Alex's pocket

"Jesus put that away" Zach exclaims quietly and looks around the halls to make sure that nobody was looking at them

"Jesus it's not radioactive" Alex says, not understanding why his friend was making such a big deal over it and treating it like it was a giant sign that said 'hey I support Hitler'

"No I know it's just..." Zach says and tries to calm down but Lexi continues the conversation for him anyway

"We aren't aloud to talk about suicide at school. We'll get in major trouble. It's like now the school actually seems to care or like talking about it will make everyone want to drop dead" Lexi tells the boy "we're also not aloud to talk about you or Hannah"

"Says who?" Jessica asks in curiosity

"The school" Zach answers her question "they made that a rule after the day that you..... after that day. And if you talk about it on campus it's just like Lex said, you'll get in heaps of trouble. They will suspend you"

"That is so fucked up" Alex says quietly

"Yeah" Zach and Lexi both reply and then the group notices the jocks making their way down the hallway

"Oh shit" Jessica says with an annoyed look on her face. All of them had blank faces as they stared at the boys except for Lexi, who wore a big grin when she spotted her boyfriend Montgomery and her best friend Scott Reed

"Hey let's go. Who do you have first period?
Mr wood? Let's go" Zach says and quickly grabs Alex's arm before they spot them and he begins to tug him away quickly

"Yeah I can't turn that fast" Alex complains and lets out a small grunt of pain but follows after Zach anyway

"What are you running from Zach?" Jessica asks the boy

"Nothing" Zach says back to her quickly and doesn't look in her direction but instead just continues to drag alex walk to class

"Hey! Jess, Alex welcome back you guys!"
Bryce calls out to them when he finally spots them

Monty looks over, his eyes light up when they land on Lexi. She grins widely at him and begins to make her way over to him. He doesn't hesitate, as soon as she gets in range, he pulls her in for a hug and kisses her on the lips

Lexi pulls away and waves to Scott "heya
Scotty boy, how you doing?"

"Hey Lex, I'm pretty good but your boyfriend here has been talking non stop all day. At least he can talk to you know instead of me" Scott says as he grins over at the girl playfully

Montgomery scoffs as he hits his friends shoulder and laughs

"Shut up Scotty" he laughs and then they all walk over to Zach, Jess and Alex

"Sup Alex and Jess" Bryce says and smiles at them but Jess just has a blank look on her face while Alex was glaring daggers at the boy and the boys behind him

"Guys come on, let's go," Lexi begged Monty and Scott. She had nothing to do with Bryce and planned on never having anything to do with him ever again.

The four walk off and Lexi sends them all a quick wave goodbye while she stands between Scott and Monty with Montgomery's arm wrapped around her shoulder securely while he held her into his side with a giant smile on his freckled face.

A little further down the hallway they spot some more of their friends so they stop there and talk to them before school starts

Montgomery shoves Scott playfully at random while laughing and Scott gets a cheeky grin on his face as he pushed him back just as hard

"God you guys really are idiots aren't you?"
Lexi asks with a grin and pulls herself from Montgomery's grip as she stands back a bit, knowing what was about to happen

"I told you not to do that man" Scott laughs and then pushes Montgomery against the lockers playfully

They both share a stupid grin, then both boys begin shoving each other while the others laugh.

Lexi watched them with an unamused look and just rolls her eyes as she mumbles
"boys" under her breath

Alex stares at the girl from down the hallway and he couldn't understand why she hung out with them even after everything they had done and it annoyed him.

Montgomery noticed the glare that Alex was giving his girl. His eye twitched slightly, his jaw clenched and he stopped fucking around with Scott and instead wrapped both of his arms around the girls waist protectively and pulled her into him.

She gave him a confused look then just laughed, "someone is clingy" she joked and looks up then places a quick kiss on his lips

"Come on guys save that shit for later" Scott and the others laugh. Montgomery just rolls his eyes and flips them off before he connects his lips with hers again, smirking against her mouth

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