Chapter 5

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Monty and Alex had gone back to school after about an hour and finished the rest of the day. It was now time to go home, but it seemed like the two of them had different plans

"Come on Lex, lets get going" Montgomery calls out to his girlfriend as he pulled away from the bro-hug that he and Bryce were sharing as the two of them agreed to hang out, "We are going down to the pitch to train"

Alex shoved her books in her bag and then threw the thin strap of her patch covered bag over her shoulder and sent Monty a sympathetic look, "sorry love, I'm going to check on Justin and make sure that he is okay, I'm really worried about him. I'll come and see you later tonight though okay? Love you" she said and went to give him a kiss goodbye, but stopped when she noticed the look on his face.

"But kitten, i wanted to hang out with you tonight" he said with a pout, though he also had a hint of annoyance radiating off him. He planned on hanging out with her tonight, but she was skipping to go check on some guy who was more than likely high off his ass right now.

Alex let out a small sigh as she looked up at her boyfriend, "sorry babe, but I'm just really worried about him at the moment and you have Bryce for the moment and I shouldn't be too long. Justin needs me to be there for him at the moment" She told and and pulled him in for a quick hug, kissing him on the cheek as she pulled away

"Fine, but if anything happens, I want you to make sure that you call me right away," Montgomery says with a small sigh and Alex smiles widely up at him and his caring nature

"Of course I will Monty," she grins and ten gripped the bag over her shoulder and clutched her skateboard under her other arm and then gave him one last kiss goodbye before leaving the school building and making her way out into the car park.

Alex dropped her skateboard on the ground and jumped on to begin riding but she put her foot down on the ground to stop herself as she squinted her eyes over at a familiar car.

Zach and Marcus were conversing softly before the two of them looked around the carpark quickly and then hoping into Zachs car.

Alex kicked her board up into her hand and then ran over towards the car, "Hey big Z, hold up a minute" she called as she ran over to them. Zach was quick to notice the girl and a giant smile pulled onto his face.

"Hey Lexi, whats up? You want a ride somewhere?" Zach asked her kindly a large grin on his face as he stared at the beautiful girl next to his car.

Alex was quick to nod her head in response, "yeah actually, I was wondering if you could take me over to Bryce's house so that I can check on J." She said with a sigh and the tall jock was quick to nodd his head

"Yeah of course, we were actually on our way over there right now to check on him anyways." Zach said with a smile. Alex quickly thanked him and ran to the boot, chucking her bag and skateboard in before she made her way to the passenger side door where Marcus was already sitting.

Everyone knew that the passenger seat was Alex's seat. She opened the door but Marcus was quick to nudge her back out of the door.

"Hell no, I was here first, get in the back Blake" Marcus laughs, though Zach was far from amused.

"Hop in the back Marcus and don't fucking nudge her dude. You know that's her seat, and she is gonna sit there because she is my favourite person" Zach said and Marcus looked annoyed

Marcus went to glare over at Alex but she stuck her tongue out at him. He got out of the car and then moved to the back seat, Alex quickly sat down in the front. She ran her fingers over the expensive leather in his car for probably the millionth time

"Dude, you have no fucking idea how much I love your car Z," She laughs with a grin as the three of them put their seatbelts on.

"Come on, lets just go" Marcus grumbles from the backseat as Alex hooks her phone up to the Bluetooth in the car and 'Arabella' by Arctic Monkeys was quick to begin playing.

Zach began to drive out of the carpark but stopped quickly when they noticed clay walking near by, more than likely on his way home.

"Hey Clay, you okay?" She asks with a smile on her face, but the smile drops quickly when she notices all the cuts on his face, "what the hell, who did that to you?" she asked quickly, anger in her voice.

"Hey Lex... I- I fell off my bike" Clay told her and tried to make his story as believable as he could

"whats up man?" Marcus asks Clay

"Hey Marcus," Clay responds and looks between Marcus and Alex, with an unsure look on his face. He felt like he couldn't trust anyone anymore, as far as he knew, any of the three people in the car could be on those tapes

"You need a ride?" Zach asks in what seemed a polite way. But Alex couldn't stop her eyebrows from furrowing as she got an uneasy feeling from his tone

"Im good, I got my bike." Clay responds and gestures to his bike that he was walking beside him, the bike didn't seem to be in very good condition. An awkward silence filled the air so Alex reached over subtly and elbowed Zach softly in the arm

"Its all good man, just throw it in the trunk" Zach says quickly but it was clear that Clay still wasn't too keen on the idea

"Hey we were actually on our way to hang out at Bryce's, you should come. Alex will probably be there and I know that the two of you are kind of friends, it could be cool" Alex tells him with a kind smile. Her signature smile flashed on her lips, the signature smile that could make practically any boy weak at their knees and give them butterflies in their stomach.

He opened his mouth, suddenly getting the confidence to ask her if she was on the tapes but he was cut off by the loud roar of an engine from behind them.

They all turn their heads and see Tony in his mustang, Alex couldn't help but admire the boys car. Zachs was cool and all, but nothing could beat Tony's car.

"Hey Clay, you alright?" Tony asked, clearly sensing that something was wrong

"Yeah, thanks" Clay said sarcastically, a small scoff falling from his lips. Alex felt her eyebrows furrow as she looked between Tony and Clay in confusion.

The two of them were practically best friends, but by this encounter, it was clear that something bad was going on between the two of them and Clay was pissed off about something

"You sure?" Tony asked, not caring about Clay's rude tone and only caring about his safety. Which was something that Alex deeply admired about Tony. 

Zach and Marcus sent Tony a glare, but Alex who was a close friend of Tony sent him a small look, assuring Tony that she wouldn't let anything happen to Clay while she was around.

"Yeah, I'm sure" Clay spat once more

"Well you heard him boys," Tony said to Marcus and Zach before he turned to look at Alex, "good to see you Lex, shame you're still hanging out with these guys now, all they do is get you into trouble"

Alex just gave tony a small nod, "Good to see you too T." she said with a soft smile. Zach sent Tony a stone-cold glare before putting the car into reverse and backing away from Tony and then finally leaving the car park, driving to Bryce's house.

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