Chapter 77

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"What a gentleman" Alex grinned sarcastically, pretending to curtsey as she grasps at the air and leans down a little. Montgomery who had held the door open for her, rolled his eyes with a laugh, sending her a playful wink before walking through the door, not bothering to hold it open for Scott and Zach who followed after them. 

They were at the Crestmont cinemas, planning to watch some stupid movie that Alex couldn't be bothered to remember since Monty had chosen it. They made their way up to the counter to get the tickets and some lollies and drinks. Alex was certain, that she would be more interested in her snacks than she was in the actual movie, but she loved going to the movie anyways (any way that she could spend time with her boyfriend was enough for her, even if it was watching some dumb movie)

"Can I help you?" the boy behind the register asks with a smile as he looked at the group of four. 

"Hey uh yeah, can I get a box of mike and ikes, a box of hot Tamales and a diet coke please?" Zach asks, an excited grin on his face as he leaned down on the counter, his eyes skimming over all the lollies that were on display. 

"No you cannot have fucking mike and ikes and hot tamales cause you're not a fucking child" Montgomery says as he looked over at Zach, rolling his eyes at the boy, laughing loudly as he playfully shoves him

"Actually his mommy says he is," Scott says, playing along with Monty, happy to hear him laugh even louder in approval. 

"Leave him alone you big assholes," Alex says and then sends her infamous, charming grin at the boy behind the counter, "can I please have two boxes of Mike and ikes and two boxes of hot tamales... oh and a diet coke and a Pepsi max please" she says, running it over in her head once more to make sure that she hadnt forgotten anything, "oh and a bag of crispy M&Ms please."

Alex turned her head and sent a shit-eating grin to her boyfriend before sliding one box of mike and ikes and one box of hot tamales as well as the diet coke to Zach before thanking the boy behind the counter and grabbing the rest for herself. 

Zach couldn't help but grin widely down at the girl, chuckling softly under his breath. She was always so caring and generous, it was one of the millions of things that he loved about her. 

Montgomery pouted at her but she poked his cheek and then grinned "So are you guys gonna get anything or are you gonna sit through the movie starving your asses of while Zachy and I enjoy our shit?"

"whatever Lex," Scott laughs, playfully shoving her out of the way so that he could get a better look at the selection of lollies. 

"I hung out with my friends a lot but then I got into an argument with a girl who I liked, she didn't like me back," Zach said and shared a quick glance over at Alex. "She had a boyfriend who was also one of my best friends. I got sick of seeing them together all of the time so I tried to move on.." by now everyone could guess where this was going

"Hannah and i started to hang out" Zach admits, basically confirming what everyone in the audiene was thinking

"So you told no one else about the time that you spent with Hannah, isn't that correct?"
Sonya asks

"Yes" Zach answered, confused as to why she didn't go into questions about the other girl that he had mentioned. The thing that he had been dwelling to admit for so long had finally left his lips and it was as if it were no big deal, but as he made eye contact with Alex he knew that, that was not the case and the only person who he really cared about and worried about what they thought of him was that girl. 

He didnt really know how to feel in that moment. 

"Then isn't it true that you were ashamed to tell anyone?" Sonya asks

"No, no I just..." Zach says and then lets out a short sigh "That summer I had told the girl that I loved her for the first time and she said she loved me but not like that. I couldn't help it, she had always been there for me, especially after my dad had died but when she said she didn't want to be with me I got mad... I got upset and then I saw her hanging out with Hannah Baker and I couldn't help but think, if this girl was dating my best friend then why don't I date hers" Zach carried a massive guilt for doing this and almost everyone in the courtroom had a pretty good idea on who the girl he was talking about was.

Zach looked down in shame as he thought about what he had done. He knew that it was wrong, he had know the whole time, but it wasnt enough to stop him. He just wanted to forget the pain he felt when Alex had told him that she didnt love hime like that, and maybe make her feel the way that he had felt. 

It was so stupid, and if he could go back and time and do it all over, changing what he had done. He would. 

"So you used Hannah as an escape? a way to get back at the girl?" Sonya asks in a fake confused voice

"I never wanted to hurt either of them, but I was hurting and I was selfish, if I could take it all back then I would" Zach admits "But Hannah and I ended up getting close and I saw her as a friend, but I could never see her as nothing more and I told her that at the end."

"And how did Hannah react when you told her this?" Sonya asks, though the answer was pretty clear. 

"She was mad and I guess she felt betrayed.. but not just by me, by the other girl too, though I tried to tell Hannah that she had nothing to do with it, I don't know if Hannah ever ended up saying anything to her but after that, she stopped talking to me. I wouldnt be surprised if that had caused Hannah to have some underlying anger with A-" he quickly stops himself, "with the girl." Zach explains

"Mr Dempsey, before this 'friendship' ended, did something happen between you and Hannah Baker the summer before she took her life?" Sonya asks. Zach could no longer bring himself to look over at Alex anymore and he went silent for a few moments before finally answering the question. 

"Yes" Zach mutters out softly, knowing that if he didnt tell the truth now, it would more than likely only get worse from here. 

"What?" Sonya asks again, wanting to make sure that everyone in the court heard it

"Yes we... we had sex" Zach mutters out

"just once?" Sonya questions

"no... it was all summer" Zach admits "But it wasn't just the sex, I really did care for her" Zach explains

"But you still cared for this other girl right?" Sonya asks

Zach finally looked across the courtroom and noticed the tears that were brimming the girls eyes "Yes. I loved her and I always will"

That was enough for Alex to freeze. Her breathing got caught in her throat and she could hear her heartbeat thumping loudly in her ears. This was just so much information to take in at the moment. Zach had been 'involved' with Hannah because she had turned him down, and there was a possibility that Hannah resented her for that. 

Alex shook her head and scolded herself, telling herself 'Hannah wouldnt do that' but none of that really mattered right now. Hannah Baker was gone... 

Zach watched the girl, waiting for some kind of reaction. 

But there was nothing. 

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