Chapter 36

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Clay give Alexandra one last look before he begins to walk off the court, making everyone believe that it was finally over and the boy was going to just leave without causing any more problems.

Alexandra tries to calm herself down, telling herself that everything was going to be fine.

Sherri checks over her one last time, to make sure that she was calming down and then hands Lex to Jessica and then walks over to clay

"Clay are you okay" Sherri asks him and he
looks over at Alex with no emotion and then
back over at Sherri

"Do you even care" Clay asks and then walks
away from Sherri, leaving her standing there speechless, her mouth agape as she tried to understand what the hell had just happened

Clay then walks over to Alex, narrowed eyes as he sneered down at her, "You and your friends aren't going to get away with this, you can try to protect them all you want, but I will make all of you pay," clay says to Alex

Alex rips herself out of Jessica's grip and steadies her breathing, looking Clay dead in the eyes, "If anything happens to Justin or Zach... I swear to god" Alex sneers, she never talked to Clay this way, but it seemed that both of them had changed for the worst after listening to the tapes and losing Hannah

"What are you gonna do. Kill me? Or make
me kill myself? I don't know why Jeff liked
you so much. You're a murderer" Clay growled. resulting in Lexi's heart to drop to the bottom of her chest

Zach had only just heard the words that left the small boys mouth, he knew that the mentioning of Jeff, would have crushed the girl. He walked up to them angrily, "Watch your mouth Jensen," Zach growls and
holds the girl behind him protectively

"Zach it's fine don't worry about it. I started it
anyway" Alex mutters out to the boy, feeling her mind and body go numb, "go finish the game"

Clay goes to sit down at the bleachers and
Zach goes back onto the court hesitantly, his eyes continuously turning back to look at the girl who was evidently pretending that she was alright

"Miss Black, are you ready to continue to
cheer" the coach asks and Alex nods her head with a curt nod and a roll of her eyes

"Totally didn't just have a panic attack or
anything" Alex whispers to herself
sarcastically before walking back over to the cheerleaders where she and the others begin to cheer again.

The game continues like normal once again for a few short minutes before the basketball flies up into the stands and clay surprisingly catches it just in time and everyone looks
over at him, waiting for him to throw the ball back so that the game could continue

"Jensen come on. Throw the damn ball" Zach
calls out to him however, clay doesn't move, he just sits there in shock, as if he were lost in his own mind.

The crowd begins to yell at him, all of them growing more and more impatient as the seconds past.

Finally, Clay throws the ball at Zach as hard he could and Zach ducks just before it hits him, shocking the crowd

"Jensen. Clay what the hell" Justin yells angrily

"You boys got practise after school today?"
Alex asks as she draws pictures on the back
page of her book, the tip of her younger sticking out between her lips slightly as she concentrated on her sketch

Zach just sat there doing nothing besides watching the girl and occasionally reaching over and adding something to her drawing.

Justin was chewing on the end of his pen while the three 'listened' to what the teacher was saying to them all, though it was clear that none of them could care any less about this particular class

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