Chapter 34

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Alexandra adjusted the tight fitting, white and blue, cheer uniform that was hugging her body as she tried to pull it down to cover all of her stomach.

She adjusted the big bow in her hair a few times before checking in the mirror to make sure that there was nothing wrong with her makeup. She wanted to look perfect, she wanted this night to go perfectly.

Everything in her life was so messed up at the moment and nothing felt normal. She prayed that just for tonight atleast, everything would go to plan and they wouldn't have to worry about all of the stupid shit that was going on at the moment.

A break from the hell of the life that they were living right now.

It was the big basketball game and Alex was ready to cheer her heart and soul out for Zach and Justin as well as the rest of the basketball boys on the court.

Of course Monty wasn't too much of a fan of her being a cheerleader considering he was a baseball boy and Rugby boy and there was no cheer at any of the baseball games, meaning she could only cheer him on at rugby.

He didn't like the idea of her wearing so little clothing in front of people other than himself either. He didn't like people looking at what was his. And more importantly, he didn't like the fact that she would often be cheering on Zach and Justin.

The basketball game was running smoothly, no mishaps had occurred and liberty high was smashing the other school

Zach was doing really well, he had scored an unbelievable amount of hoops that night and it didn't seem like he would be stopping any time soon.

Alex was cheering him on loudly, showing off her best tricks as her and the cheer team followed the choreography that they had come up with a few weeks before.

Whenever Justin or Zach looked over at her she waved to them excitedly and what Alex didn't know was that, she was the reason that Zach was doing so well. He was using all he had to try and impress the girl. And having her cheer him on over at the side was practically his fuel, though he of course never planned on telling anyone this

"Go Zachy! Go J! You can do it, c'mon show them who's boss!" Alex cheers as loud as she could, shaking her Pom poms I'm the air, the tousles letting out a sound that resembled cheering and rain

She was cheering as loud as she could, a toothy grin on her face but her smile dropped when she watched as Clay Jensen walked out into the gym, staring at Justin and Zach.

Worry was written all over Alex's face as she felt a wave of confusion wash through her entire body. There was no way that this was going to turn out well.

she didn't know who the boy was up to on the tapes but she was sure he would have to be close to hers and she had a feeling that he was on Zachs which meant she was next

Clay made his way through the crowd and
Alex made sure that she kept a close eye on the boy and noticed him starting to talk to Courtney and Marcus. This only confirmed that him being here had something to do with the tapes.

Alex was well aware of the fact that Clay never liked Justin or Zach and even more aware of the fact that Clay was in love with Hannah. And combining those two elements, it didn't take Alex much to come to the theory that Clay was pissed off at the two boys and believed everything that Hannah had said on the tapes.

Alex was about to make her way over to them, hoping that she might be able to defuse the tension and calm down Clay before he went ahead and made a scene, but it looked like she was already beaten to it as she watched Porter came over to them. Alex felt sudden nausea rush over her like a tidal wave. This would have been the perfect opportunity for Clay to come clean and tell Porter all about the tapes and the people on them... everything that they had done... how they had killed Hannah Baker.

Surprisingly, Clay didn't want to have anything to do with Porter. His eyes moved from the counselor over to the court. Clay started to walk towards Zach.

Alex felt her eyes widen. Shit. This wasn't going to go down well.

Zach looks over at clay and steps toward him in hopes of threatening him and making him go away, this was one of the last places that Zach wanted Clay to cause a scene

"clay what are you doing get off the court" Zach continued, underlying worry in his tone that only Lexi seemed to pick up on

"Jensen get off the fucking court" Justin yells as the game stopped. Justin was holding onto the basketball, waiting for Clay to move out of the way

Alex had stopped dancing at this point, her eyes were set firmly on Zach and Clay. She was waiting, waiting to see who would make the next move. Clay looked like he hadn't slept in days and was ready to snap. Who knows what he was about to do. He could have been about to tell the school all about Zach and everything that he had supposedly done according to Hannah.

Her breathing began to quicken and she stumbled backwards as another cheerleader accidentally bumped into her but Sherri quickly caught her. Her vision was flashing between clear transperancy and blurred as she suddenly felt panic begin to settle in. She internally cursed at herself, now was not the time to start freaking out and she was more than likely freaking out over nothing. But she couldn't stop it.

"Shit she's having a panic attack" Jess states as she looks down at her good friend. It wasn't the first time that this had happened, "we need to get her to the nurse. Now"

"No." She choked out through her laboured breaths, her arm reaching in the direction of the basketball court, "I need to help Zach" Alex mumbles and tries to steady herself

"What the hell jensen" Zach says to the boy
and was too busy glaring at the boy to notice
all the cheerleaders rushing over to Alex and trying to hold her back as she attempted to push her way onto the court.

Clay just stood still and looked like he was in
a daze, trapped like a deer in headlights, and then the coach and referee started
to yell at him and tell him to get off the court, the tension in the gym was growing thicker and thicker as the moments passed them by

"I can't let him tell anyone. I'm not letting my
fiends get in trouble. Especially not Zach and
Justin" Alex choked out as she continued to try and get past her friends.

Sherri and Jessica look at each other for a few seconds, looks of concern etched deep into their faces, and both of them knew exactly what the other was thinking.

This girl was loyal beyond belief. But when it came to the two boys it was even more than loyalty. She was willing to do anything for them, she put them before anyone and she was going to do whatever it took to get them to stay out of trouble. And that could be dangerous, especially for her and the people out to get her friends.

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