Chapter 57

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"Yo Jeff" Montgomery calls out as he swings
Alex's hips against his own as they dance to the music. Alex looks up instantly and gets a giant grin on her face as she stops dancing at the familiar name that had just left her boyfriends mouth

"Monty what's up? Hey Tiny. How are you guys going?" Jeff asks with a grin and pulls Montgomery in for a bro hug and then Alex in for a long one that made his body warm up at the fact that he had his arms around the girl and he didn't want to let go.

Alex pulled away from the hug after a while
She had a smile on her face and she was wearing barely any makeup and yet she still looked absolutely beautiful

Montgomery wrapped his arms around her waist from behind and places a kiss on the back of her head while she starts up a conversation with Jeff and they talk about lots of random things while Monty just dances his fingers on the small bits of skin that was showing on her body

"Hey Tiny have you seen our man Clay" Jeff asks and begins to look around the party for the familiar boy but turned back to the girl when she began talking

"Yeah he got here earlier. He was helping us set everything up for the party. We should go check on him I think he's over at the snack table putting chips in bowls and shit" Alex says and Jeff nods his head

Alex turns around to face Montgomery and gives him a quick kiss on the lips "I'll be back soon. Jeff and I are going over to the snack table to check up on Clay. I'll get you another drink while I'm over there. Do you want anything in particular" Alex asks and lingers her lips in front of his

He pouts before he grabs her ass and then moves his arms up to wrap them firmly around her waist and pull her into him and he shifts his head and then leans down and whispers in her ear "I want you" he whispers.

As soon as she hears his words she laughs and puts a smirk on her face. He pulls back at her laugh and he puts his head back infront of hers so she licks her lips and goes to kiss him but just before their lips touch she pulls away with a grin

"I guess I'll just have to see what they have"
Alex grins and her and Jeff walk into the crowd and she grabs his hand to lead him over to the snack table so that they didn't get separated on the way.

Monty just stood there with a stunned look on his face as he looked back after his girlfriend's retreating form, reaching his hand up to the back of his head, rubbing his neck softly as he shook his head, a grin spreading across his chapped lips, "man. The shit that girl does to me," he muttered out in bliss

Alex and Jeff spotted the familiar boy emptying a bag of chips into a bowl
"Dude you came" Jeff says as they walk up to them and he smiles at Jeff and Alex quickly, excited to see the two of them.

"What's up Jeff. I've actually been here a while. Good to see you again Alex" Clay smiles at the pair. As he looked between them, he asked himself the question that he had been pondering for years, why the hell weren't the two of them together?

If anyone who didn't know them were to take one look at them it would be pretty safe for them to assume that Jeff And Alex were a couple and it confused clay.

He didn't know what she saw in Monty that made him so great when she had both Jeff and Zach wrapped around her finger tightly. She was a warrior and he was a dreamer. She was the brain and he was the heart. They were two halves that made one whole and if one of the halves broke then it wouldn't take long for the other half to come crashing down after it

"You've come a really long way clay" Jeff says with a proud smile as he looks over at the boy who was not only his tutor but one of his best friends

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