Chapter 33

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Alex was sitting down at the tables in the caffateria next to Montgomery but she was
basically sitting on his lap.

The table was pretty squished and Montgomery had taken it among himself to pull His girlfriend as close to him as possible and he had his arm around her tightly as they ate their food with some of their friends

"'Yooo" Zach calls as he walks into the cafeteria, not caring about all the looks that he received from around the room.

Alex grins widely at the sound of her best voice, a grin that made Zach feel butterfly's erupt in his stomach, "Hey Zachy" Lexi calls out and waved over at the boy. Monty tightened his grip around the girl slightly and narrowed his eyes over at the boy who she was smiling at

"'Yo big Z" another jock calls out and beckons him Zach sits down next to Alex and gives her a smile which she returns before turning toward her boyfriend and he grins down at her

"'You look absolutely beautiful" Montgomery whispers and kisses the side of her head
and then brushes her hair behind her ear as he places soft kisses on her neck but she gently pushes him off and then kisses him once on the lips.

Monty let's put a soft sigh, he loved pda, he needed everyone to know that she belonged to him, but she on the other hand only liked a little bit of pda

The group continued talking about random
things and Alex was actively participating in the conversation but stops as she makes eye contact with Clay from across the hall.

she gives him a wide smile which he doesn't return, she expected him to look away from her after that but it seemed that he didn't plan on taking his eyes off her table of friends

"Thanks Monty" Alex mumbles as he offered her half of his chocolate bar. She ate what was left of it and intertwined their fingers together before she let out a soft sigh and rested her
head on his shoulder and began to play with the ring on his hand, completely oblivious to the loving smile that both Montgomery and Zach were giving her

"I can't get my strength" Marcus says and then places a box full of pins with his face
on it on the table in front of them, "c'mon guys I gotta win this."

"Alex I really need to talk to you about something" Zach says to the girl next to him suddenly, thinking now was the best time while they were all distracted making fun of Marcus's face on the pins

He kept his voice low, not wanting to attract any attention from the other people that were sitting down with them at the table. She looks over at him and she nods her head with a smile, not thinking that there was going to be anything bad about the conversation that they were about.

She figured that it was just a conversation about the school work that they were doing, the two of them were practically the only two people in their group that cared about school, so they often helped each other with the work.

They stood up and Zach pulls her away from the group a little bit.

This is it. He was going to tell her how he felt about her, how he really felt about her.

Montgomery had just gotten suspended again so he figured now was his chance to tell her without worrying about her boyfriend coming out from nowhere and ruining it

"What's up Zachy" Alex smiles widely. Zach felt his cheeks go pink as a bubbly feeling erupted in his stomach

"I really really like someone and I have been waiting for ages to tell them and I think
I'm ready to tell them now" Zach says and tries to keep himself calm but in the inside
he was about to explode and run away from the girl.

'I can do this. Come on just tell her' he continues to tell himself as he looked down at the girl

"That's great Zach" Alex smiles widely, happy that he was getting the guts to tell them. She wanted him to be happy.

"Okay Alex I really like y-" Zach starts but Alex cuts him off thinking that she already
knew what he was going to say

"I'm pretty sure Hannah likes you to so she should say yes" Alex smiles widely and
zachs eyes widen in shock and confusion. He wanted Alex not Hannah.

It's always been Alex and he was sure that it was always going to be Alex, he loved her. He loved her so much that he couldn't even pay any attention to any other girls.

"Look she's looking at you right now. You should go and ask her. We aren't really on
great terms at the moment so I don't think I should go with you but I'll wait right here
for you to come back. Good luck" Alex says excitedly and Zach sighs all hope of
asking Alex out had disappeared.

He should have known that this was just another one of his stupid ideas. He knew she loved Montgomery and there was
nothing that he could do about it

"Yeah... Hannah right. Of course. Hannah is the one I wanted to ask" Zach mumbles out and nods his head softly, his heart burning. He smiled softly at Alex and then walks over to Hannah

Alex watched with a hopeful smile on her lips as Zach went over to Hannah and started talking to her.

Alex couldn't hear what either of them were saying but she was praying that it was all going well for him.

Hannah looked surprised that he was talking to her, she didn't talk to many people, especially people like Zach Dempsey.

Everything looked fine at first but Alex couldn't tell where the coversation was going
as it progressed, she thought that it all seemed to be going well but when Hannah yelled at Zach, it was clear that she was very wrong

Alex stared in shock and couldn't control the anger she felt as she took in the hurt look on zachs face. She couldn't even control the anger she was feeling as she stormed over to the table Hannah was sitting at.

Zach storms out of the doors of the cafeteria while Alex storms over to Hannah,
"You know what Hannah. This shit that happens to you. I think that you bring some of
it onto yourself. Zach was just trying to be nice. He's a lot better than most boys at this
school and he actually likes you so why did you have to yell at him" Ella says angrily

"Oh is that what you think. Thanks for the insight genius. But before you start
lecturing me on my life decisions maybe you should keep your two cents and take
your own advice" Hannah says angrily which causes Alex to roll her eyes and scoff

"Hannah seriously enough about that shit okay? And don't take out your problems with me on Zach. He did nothing wrong, if we have a problem then take it out on me instead," Alex said firmly

"Why don't you learn to keep your boyfriends on a leash" Hannah says, "and while you are at it, why don't you choose one instead of leading half the guys at this school on. And people call me the school slut," Hannah snaps and rolls her eyes

Alex felt her mouth drop before narrowing her eyes and the curly haired girl in the chair, "Fuck you Hannah Baker" Alex growls and then runs out of the cafeteria to go and find Zach

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