Chapter 32

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"I'm sick of it you know. Just because I don't have her skinny ass body doesn't mean
I'm fat" Maddy cries out in the communications classroom as she finished telling the class how she was feeling and why she was feeling that way.

Sherri goes up to comfort the girl while Alex looks over at her in Pity and sympathy but then goes back to drawing little pictures on the desk with Zach while he had his arm laying around the back of her chair.

Alex felt really bad for the girl but the last time that she had gone to comfort Maddy, Maddy had snapped at her and thought that Alex was just mocking her so Alex decided not to sag anything else to her, even though her intentions had been pure and she really did care for the girl.

But many people in the school seemed to think that Alex had a perfect and ideal life, that she had nothing to complain about and therefore in return had nothing that she should be sad about.

Justin sat was sitting down silently on the other side of Alex leaning next to her and watching the two graffiti on the desk and
write their initials hard to engrave it and then Justin reached over with his pen and does the same, might as well leave a mark while they were there

Alex turned to look at him with a raised eyebrow, "you have to draw something too Mr Foley," she said with a playful grin, knowing fully well that the boy couldn't draw to save his life

Justin rolled his eyes with a grin and then reached back over to where he had written his name and then he drew a stick figure person with a sad face and big eyebrows, "happy now miss Black?" He asked her with a grin

"Perfect," she replied with a chuckle and went to go back to drawing her dragon but stopped when she heard one of the boys at her table speak up

"Maybe she should try a diet" Pratters says, talking about Maddy while wondering why she was complaining about something that his dumbass self thought was so easy to fix

"Shut up asshole" Alex says and kicks him under the table, her eyes narrowed as she gave the boy a warning glare

"Seriously Pratters. Jesus" Hannah says and turns towards the boy with a scowl on
her face

"I'm just saying alright. If you are getting fat shamed. Then you know... don't be fat"
Pratters states

"Well everyone calls you a dick head. Maybe you should stop being a dick head" Alex growled angrily at the boy, her glare only becoming colder and colder

Justin and Zach laugh at the girls statement along with many other students in the class, though it seemed that the teacher wasn't so happy about her quick comeback

"Mr Pratters. Miss Black" the teachers says and looks over at the two kids

"Alex is right. Pratters that's like someone saying to you don't be an idiot and a
dickward. Can't help it" Zach says to the idiotic boy that was sitting down at their group of desks

"I can't help it" Pratters said as he nodded his head towards the teacher

"Exactly" Zach and Alex say with giant smirks on their faces then give each other a fist pump
"Ooh" they both say and clash fists.

Justin, along with almost the entire class laughed at the pair, and laughing at the clueless Pratters who was actually dumb enough to think that they were complementing him and backing him up.

"Thank you" Pratters says as if the two were on his side, causing Zach and Alex to roll their eyes and share a look of disbelief

"Totally not on your side bro" Zach says and shakes his head, wondering how someone can be that stupid

"Oh my god" Alex sighs at his stupidity and then goes back to chatting with Zach and Justin about random things that had happened over the weekend

Hannah looks over at Zach and Alex and chuckles, wishing that she had a friendship like they had.

Alex could feel someone's eyes on her and she looked away from the boys and looked over at Hannah.

Alex smiles at her but Zach
was to busy staring at Alex with a soft smile on his face and a bright light in his eyes as she laughed, he didn't even notice that Hannah Baker was looking at the two of them.

"Alright people remember the compliment bags" The teacher calls out as the bell
rings and they pack up their stuff for their next class "um it's always better to give a
compliment face to face but sometimes it's easier to be anonymous. Alright see you

"Bye Lex, bye Zach I'll see you guys later" Justin said when he notices the pair sticking
behind and walking over to the compliments bags

"Bye Justy!" Alex called out to the boy and waved the boy goodbye before making her way over to the brown paper bags at the side of the room where you were supposed to put compliments for the other students.

Hannah also walks over there catching Alex's attention, "Oh hey Hannah" Alex says with a smile as she waved softly at her friend who had seemed to be avoiding her lately

"Hey Alex, so how is the back of your head" Hannah asks and Alex fells her heart drop in her chest and frowns a bit, she didn't want to keep thinking about that night, she was surprised that she even remembered at all considering how hard she had hit her head.

It had been a few weeks since she got out of hospital after Montgomery had shoved her and she had told everyone she had just tripped.

As far as Alex was concerned, everybody believed her and nobody had any idea of how she actually hit her head, she was completely unaware of the fact that Hannah had been outside of her window that night and watched the whole encounter.

Hannah was the only other person who knew the real reason she had hit her head
"Oh it's good. I've gotta learn to stop being so clumsy" Alex laughs it off, thinking that she had pulled off the lie perfectly, and the truth was, she would have pulled it off perfectly if she had been talking to any other person

Hannah rolled her eyes and frowned at her good friend, "Or maybe you just need to get a better boyfriend Alexandra," Hannah says to the girl quietly so only she could hear, at least being considerate enough to not let everybody else know the truth

"What" Alex asks in shock, hoping that she had just heard Hannah wrong, but she wasn't dumb. She knew that Hannah somehow knew the truth about that night, "I don't know what your talking about" she lies quickly as she shook her head almost too quickly

Zach could tell something was up with the two girls but he stayed back and tried to mind
his own business while he waited for Alex so they could go to lunch together

"Come on Ella I saw the two of you. He pushed you. You are in a toxic, abusive relationship. Why won't you tell anyone" Hannah says, her voice was slowly getting louder and louder as she grew more and more frustrated. She was concerned for her friend but she couldn't see why she was doing this to herself, she had to talk to somebody. She needed help.

"You're wrong Hannah. You don't know what your talking about okay. I tripped over
and hit my head. That is it" Alex says and tries to walk away but Hannah grabs her
wrist and that's when Zach decides to step in and gently pull Alex's arm out of
Hannah's grip but this seemed to only anger Hannah even more

"How can you still be so careless? Zach was the whole reason that you and Monty got into the argument in the first place. He's the reason Montgomery hurt you and your still hanging out with him. I guess you are clumsy aren't you?" Hannah snaps at Alex, causing her jaw to drop

Alex stood shocked for a few short moment before she grabbed onto Zach's wrist, "c'mon Zach let's just get out of here," she instructed the boy

"What is she talling about Alex, Montgomery hurt you?" Zach asks angrily and Alex knew that she was already in too deep

"No Zach she doesn't know what she is talking about okay? Now can we please just go?" She states quickly and then drags Zach out of the room

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