Chapter 72

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Alex quickly looks across the room as she hears someone climbing through the window. She waits to see who it was, her eyes widening as she finally notices who it is. She rapidly looks away from them, not wanting to look at the girl. 

"Hey Lexi" they whisper softly, trying to give her old friend a kind smile. Alex just lets out a small scoff and grabs her bag, not even sparing Sherri a small glance

"Dont call me that. I wrote down what you have to do and what times to do them, he's gonna complain but just ignore him and make sure that he does it okay. I gotta go and make sure that Monty is okay and that he doesn't get into to much trouble while I'm gone," Alex sighs and walks over to the window, still not looking at the person

"Alexandra I'm really sorry" Sherri says softly. Alex shudders softly at the use of her full name, hardly anyone called her by her full name. The only time she really heard it was when someone was getting angry at her, when someone was disappointed in her, or when there was a new teacher and they were going through the roll. 

It was common knowledge that Alex wasn't a fan of her full name being used, so people generally respected that and stuck to Alex, or if they were close enough to her, they called her Lex, or Lexi.

"Goodbye Justin, behave and don't be a dick," Alex says and then turns toward the wind and begins to climb out. She hesitates for a small moment, wondering if she should look at Sherri, and thank her for taking care of Justin, but she couldn't bring herself to look at her. She climbs out of the without saying anything and then pulls her skateboard from her bag before throwing it onto the road and quickly riding to school, hoping that she hadn't missed too much.


Alex makes her way through the doors of liberty high, looking down at her watch as she tucked her skateboard under her arm.  Lunch was almost over so she had enough time to go and find Monty and check that he was doing okay.

"Babe hey, I thought that you couldn't come today," Monty said with a giant smile on his face as he pulls her into his chest and places a kiss on the top of her head. She could hear the excitement in his voice, making her stop and smile up at him.  

"well I missed you too much," Alex says with a small shrug, grinning widely as she stands up on her tippy toes and places her lips on top of his. 

The two of them suddenly hear someone clearing their throat, making Alex pull away from Monty, her cheeks flushed a crimson shade. She looks behind Montgomery to see Zach as well as Scott, Bryce and Chloe "Oh hey guys" she gives them an innocent smile, though the pink didn't leave her face. 

They all greeted the girl happily before the group began to walk down the halls together. 

"You looked upset when you were coming in, is everything okay?"Montgomery asks softly into her ear, worry spewing from his lips.  She gives him a soft smile and nods her head but he didn't believe her for one second "If something is wrong you know you can tell me, right bub? Im all ears okay"

"Its alright Monty, I know that you have enough problems of your own, I wouldn't want to add any of mine onto your shoulder, you've got more than enough to deal with at the moment," she says and he shakes his head straight away, "besides, I can deal with it myself, there's nothing I can't handle."

"If someone or something is bothering you I can deal with it straight away, none of the shit I'm going through matters if there's something happening with you. I can fix it for you babe, you just need to tell me what's wrong okay?" Montonmerv says and intertwines their fingers together. 

He placed a quick kiss to the side of her head, "no matter what. If something is wrong, you can tell me."

"I saw Sherri today, it's really bugging me" she admitted with a small sigh. She notices his jaw tense up straight away and the familiar fire came to his eyes "But I don't want you to worry about it okay," she quickly tells him, knowing that there are no limits as to how far he would go to stop someone or something from bugging her

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