Chapter 75

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Alex struggled to keep the tears in as she felt all of the arms wrap around her comfortingly, the warm embrace only wanting her to break down more.

"You did great beautiful, now lets get out of here" Montgomery whispers into her ear and then places a kiss on the top of her forehead. He hated seeing her like this, teary eyed and lip quivering. It made him want to punch someone, punch the person who was making her feel this way.

Alex nods her head and they all make their way out of the courtroom and out into the carpark. As soon as they left the building they were being bombarded by people with cameras and microphones, trying to get in on the gossip but the boys all barricaded around her, protecting her from their loud voices and demanding gazes.

Once they got to Montgomerys truck, Monty pulled the passenger side door open and stuck his arm out to help her in before making his way over to the drivers side and hoping in.

Scott and Zach got in the back while the rest of the jocks who had tagged along to show their support to the girl went their separate ways and made their way over to their own cars.

"So where too?" Scott asks as he leans forward and sends the girl his award winning smile, giving her a playful wink, "ice cream for the lady in the front and a few beers for the gents"

"I need something stronger than ice cream, i need to get wasted man" Alex groans and the three boys looked at her in complete shock and surprise, she never got drunk, infact she didn't like to drink full stop.

"Whatever you want princess, you know ill get it for you" Montgomery said and grabbed onto her hand, bringing it up to his lips and placing a couple of quick kisses on her delicate skin before placing their interlocked hands on her thigh.

"Seatbelts assholes," he said to the boys in the back and then turned on the car and started to drive out of the carpark and down the road.

Alex quickly turned to her boyfriend and stuck her bottom lip out "but could we get ice cream on the way?"

Scott laughed instantly, he knew the girl so well

Monty turned to her with a grin and a soft chuckle came out of his lips, this was his girl. And he didn't know what he did to get her or why she chose him, but he thanked god for her every night.

And even though she was changing, she was still the same Lexi that he had always known

"Mint Chocolate Chip?" He asked with a grin and pulled her hand up towards his lips and placed a soft kiss on the outside of her hand before resting it back down in her lap

"You know me so well" She grins

"Youre a big softie arent ya? Lex i don't know how you do it but when you're around, i swear montys is a fucking saint or some shit"
Scott laughs, looking between his two best friends.

"Shut up Reed" Montgomery grumbled as his cheeks went a deep red, shooting him a quick glare in the rear view mirror before turning his attention back to the road

Alex let go of his hand and reached up to his face and pinched his cheek "oh look Scotty, my baby monty is blushing" she said in a baby voice and he quickly swatted her hand away as Scott laughed, but as the two boys in the back watched the couple, they couldn't help but think the same thing as the girl

I need to get wasted


"Stop being so fucking disgusting" Alex laughed as she leaned into her boyfriend and watched as one of the boys across from her spat an apple seed at Bryce.

Alex was squished between Scott and Montgomery as Chloe, Bryce and a boy named Kelce sat across from her.

"I heard how you went in court yesterday, must have been real tuff with them hammering all of those questions at you and bringing up all those memories with Hannah Baker. I cant believe the crazy bitch wrote so much shit about you and Monty in some fucking Diary man. Its complete bullshit" Bryce said with a laugh

"Its alright my baby powered through it, strongest person i know and she really proved that yesterday" Montgomery said with a grin as he placed a kiss on her temple, throwing his arm around her happily, earning a smile from the girl

"And holy shit man, who would have thought someone could be such a fun drunk, she was hyper man, singing and dancing" Scott said with a grin as he looked at the girl and thought about how sweet she was when she was drunk, he didn't know how or why but seeing her in her drunk state made him fall in love with her even more "Shes the best drunk out of all of you"

"And i bet you I'm the best drinker too" The girl said with a smirk on her face "ill be downing my tenth shot while you dumbasses will still be on your third"

"I don't think so" Bryce laughed "though id love to test that theory out some day"

Montgomery glared at the boy across the table and his arm tightened around his girlfriends waist and he was about to say something when they had noticed that all of the noise in the cafeteria had died down.

They all turned towards the door way and stared in shock as Justin Foley walked in. Alex went to stand up but quickly stopped herself. He made eye contact with Alex as soon as she looked over at him, angering Montgomery.

When Alex looked away from him, Justin's heart shatterd and Montgomery couldn't help but grin.

Justin made his way over to Jessica's table, a sad tremble in his walk. Clay quickly stood up and made his way over to him but Jess stood up too and watched the boy as he walked closer and closer and then finally stopped in front of her.

"Hey jess, I missed you. Can we go somewhere else to talk alone?" Justin stutterd out as he looked at the girl, his eyes quickly scanning over everyone in the cafeteria before looking back at her.

Alex moved closer into her boyfriends embrace as she felt her heart ache as she looked over at Justin, the boy she cared about so dearly but had been abandoned by.

"No" Jessica states and Justin seemed surprised by this answer but he tried not to show it

"i came back for you" Justin told her softly
"its the only reason why i am here. If you want me to stay, i promise you that i am here for good. Look if you want me to go then i will go, forever this time"

Scott turned to look across at Alex and he couldnt help but notice the look in her eyes as she watched the scene unfold. Alex noticed Scott staring and she gave him a soft smile but as he looked at her he couldnt help but feel like when she smiled she wanted to cry.

"You said that before" Jessica said.
Montgomery sensed his girlfriend was upset as she tensed up in his arms and the hairs on her arms stood up. He began to play with her hair and do small plaits through it in order to try and calm her down and it seemed to work as she relaxed slightly in his embrace.

"I tried to go away. I tried to forget about you, I... I tried so fucking hard but i cant stop thinking about you" Justin says as he looks at his ex girlfriend

"Yeah i think about you too" Jess says firmly.

Alex notices the hopeful look in Justins eyes but the cold look in Jessicas eyes instantly told her that the hope was about to be drained from the boy.

Alex's thoughts were confirmed as Jess finished her sentence.

"And i wish you were dead"

Protector - Montgomery De La CruzTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang