Chapter 79

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"So are you boys excited and ready for the assembly today," Alex asks Bryce and Scott, making sure to stick closer to Scott than Bryce. Scott of course had noticed this as soon as she met up with them so he discretely moved between them, which she had given him a grateful smile for. 

"yeah, its gonna be real big" Bryce says with a laugh "heaps of sponsors and everything coming down, I'm pretty sure it will end up on the news or some shit like that"

Alex nods her head, though she wasnt really listeneing to anything the boy was saying as he continued to speak. She was too preocuppied looking around the halls trying to find Monty. She had been looking for him since she had got to school around 15 minutes ago, but he was nowhere in sight.  

The three of them rounded the corner and noticed the birthday banner and streamers hanging from the top of the hallway. A few meters ahead of them stood Alex Standall, Zach and Jess. 

"Aww happy birthday buddy" Bryce says with a smirk and pats Alex on the shoulder, shaking him around a little bit, an antagonising smile on his face as he grins at Standall and then the banner above them, "oh sweet banner."

"is your mum bringing cupcakes later?" Scott asks with a grin but the grin quickly disappears when he feels Alex elbow him in the side, shooting him a sharp glare.  He looks down at her and watches as her glare turns to a disappointed and disapproving expression which instantly makes his heart hurt and shuts up up automatically. 

"I hope she brings enough for the whole class" Bryce adds "maybe you will get a new cane this year too huh? and some new friends"

"Seriously Bryce, can you atleast try not to be an ass for 5 minutes in your life?" Alex scolds him, rolling her eyes and then turning to Standall. She pulls a small box out of her pocket and hands it to the boy with a soft smile "happy birthday Standall, don't listen to these assholes" she says and shoots a glare at Scott and Bryce

"Chill Lex, it was just a joke" Bryce says with a laugh, playfully shoving the girl 

"Yeah well jokes are supposed to be funny, and there is absolutely nothing funny about being a dick" Alexandra mutters and begins to walk away, making sure to drag Scott and Bryce with her, but not before sending Alex and Jess a quick apologetic look. She gave Zach a small smile before tunring around, not planning on looking back...

"fuck you, you fucking rapist" Alex yells out, causing everyone in the hallways to stop talking and look over at them. Bryce, Scott and Alexandra all stop walking. 

Scott and Alexandra turn around to quickly shake their heads at Alex. Alex felt bad just walking away with the two jocks, but that was what had to happen at the moment until she could figure out how to get it all sorted out. Alexandra and Scott send him an apologetic look and then go to leave with Bryce. 


The cheerleaders and the baseball players all stood on the court in the gymnasium doing the dance routine that they had been practising for the last few weeks. 

"Lets give it up for our varsity baseball team!" Lexi calls out with a grin as they finish the dance, the crowd cheering loudly. Montgomery runs up to her and gives her a giant kiss on the cheek with a wide grin on his face and he lifts her up into his arms for a hug

Alex laughs as she kisses him back, "Go sit down with the guys, bub" she ushers softly, her cheeks flushing pink. He gives her one last, quick kiss on the lips before he goes to sit down with the rest of the baseball team. 

Alex, the cheer captain stands up in the stands, "And now for our MC of today's assembly, Marcus Cole!" Alex calls out loudly, a faux grin on her face as she calls out the boys name, a bitter taste on her tongue.  

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