Chapter 19

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"Fuck off Dempsey!" Montgomery yelled and tried to get past him as he watched Alex disappear out the doors of the gymnasium with Jeff holding her against his side.

"no man! I'm sick of you hurting her. She comes running back to you every fucking time, no matter what you do!" Zach yells, his face going red in anger, "its complete bullshit! What is the great thing about you that someone so amazing can see, yet nobody else can see?"

"Stop being a jealous fuck Dempsey and let me go and see my girl!" Montgomery yelled in his face and then finally made it past Zach by shoving him to the side and then running to the doors as fast as he could.

Monty didnt look back as he ran out into the car park, looking around in every direction possible as he attempted to see Alexandra. Finally, he spotted her climbing into the passenger side of Jeffs car, make-up and tears running down her face.

Jeff started the car and went to pull out of the parking spot but Monty ran to the car and grabbed Lexi's wrist through the open window that she had opened for fresh air.

Lexi didnt look at him, cringing at the whimper that fell from her lips at the feeling from his touch. "Montgomery come on man, just let her go," Jeff told him calmly, though Jeff was ready to just hit reverse and watch Montys arm almost get taken off.

Montgomery ignored what Jeff said and stared at her face which was turned to look out the front of the car, "please, please look at me kitten," he begged her softly. She ignores his words, something that rarely ever happend.

Montgomery removed his hand from her wrist and instead grabbed her chin softly in his hands and forced her head to turn so that she was looking at him

"hey man, dont touch her okay, just let her go," Jeff instructed him and was slowly losing his notorious calmness that everyone knew so well.

Once again Montgomery ignored Jeff, "Listen baby. I know what you saw in there looked bad... it looked shit... i know that okay, but I swear to you, it wasnt what it fucking looked like okay?"

Lexi scoffed as she rolled her eyes and finally worked up the courage to grab Monty's wrist and remove it from her face, "really Monty? Because to me, it looked like you were dancing with the one person in school that I really, really dont fucking like." Lexi finally snapped as the tears continued to roll down her cheeks, it was clear that she was angry, she never talked to Monty this way.

Jeff reached over and grabbed her hand softly in his, she squeezed his hand but didnt turn to look at him, "and of course out of all of the people it had to be her. You know that I dont fucking like her Monty. So what is it? Why did you do it? Am I not pretty enough for you? Do I talk too much? Am i annoying? Is it because of m-" Montgomery was quick to cut her off.

"hey kitten, no dont talk like that okay. You are so fucking perfect. There is nothing wrong with you, youre the most beautiful person on this plannet and you are far from annoying okay? Listen, I know that I dont deserve you, I never fucking have. I'm such a fucking dick and I would never cheat on you." Montgomery cried out to her, it was the truth, all of it was. 

Montgomery stumbled back away from the car as he suddenly got really angry, he was pissed off at himself. How could he have let this happen? How could dance with another girl, even if it was just to get back at her for hurting Lex, he could have gone about it a different way.

"Fuck!" montgomery yelled angrily and then punched a metal pole, making both Jeff and Lex flinch in their seats. Lexi watched him cradle his hand and didn't waste a moment jumping out of the car, despite Jeff's protesting, telling her to stay in the car.

Lexi hated the fact that she couldnt stop herself from running up to Montgomery and allowing the boy to wrap his arms around her, burying his face in her neck as he cried.

She hushed him softly and ran her fingers through his hear, whispering in his ear that everything was going to be okay and that they were going to be okay. And just like that, she forgave him.

"I'm such a fuck up. I ruin everything," Montgomery cried as he wrapped his arms around her tigher, she didnt care that it was slightly hurting her ribs, she just cared that it comforted him.

"No, youre not okay," She mumbled to him softly, stroking his hair, "you dont ruin everything okay... you fixed me."

"Can we please just go home baby?" Montgomery asked her softly, a pleading tone in his voice as his desperate need to be at home and have her laying in his arms, telling him that everything was going to be okay, became too much for him.

Lexi nods her head and pulls away from him, waling over to the passenger side door of Jeffs car while she looked at the ground, already knowing that Jeff was going to be disappointed in her.

She looked at him through his window and tried to defend Monty's actions but no matter what she said, Jeff couldnt look at her. He stared out the front of his car, a sick feeling bumbling in his stomach.

'How could she just run back into his arms again, just like that? Like he had done nothing wrong?'

Jeff couldn't help himself as he turned to look at her, he couldn't ignore her, no matter how much he thought that he wanted too, "he cheated on you Alexandra. How can you just forgive him after that like it was nothing?" he asked her softly, making sure that Montgomery couldn't hear what he was saying.

Alex knew that he was right, but she couldnt help herself, "because I love him Jeff..." she told him softly and he bit his lip and nodded his head softly as he looked at her through his window, "I truly am so so sorry for ruining your night, and I hope that we can have that dance at formal"

"Hey, you didnt ruin my night okay tiny. You could never ruin my night... and yeah, at formal, we have to dance together no matter what okay? No matter what happens, you and me have to dance at formal," he told her, a small smile tugging at the corner of their lips and she nodded her head, telling him that she accepted.

Jeff nodded his head and allowed a small smile to fall from his lips, "Now you go home with Monty, and make sure that you message me when you get home safe,"

She smiled softly and nodded her head as she leant forwards and placed a kiss on Jeffs cheek, "thanks Jeffy, for everything."

She gave him one last wave before she ran off over to where Monty was, giving him a kiss before they went to go and get in Monty's jeep that was at the other side of the car park

Jeff grazed his fingers over his cheek where she had kissed him and then looked over at the two retreating figures sadly, "why couldn't you have chosen me instead?" he whispered quietly to himself as he watcher her grab onto Montgomery's hand

If only he had told her how he felt sooner... maybe then, things could have been different.

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