Lil Cuties

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"Do you really have to go and hangout with Standall and Dempsey?" Montgomery scoffed for the 5th time in the last hour. Alex rolled her eyes, placing her hand on Monty's thigh as he drove her over to the Standall house hold

"Yes Monty, I told Alex that I would be there, so I'm going to be there. I was meant to be there an hour ago, but I've been with you the whole day," Alex says to him, shooting him a small smile as he lets out a dramatic sigh

"C'mon babe, why can't we just hang out for the rest of the night?" Monty was practically pouting at this point, but he didn't take his eyes off the road, it was night time and the last thing that he wanted was to have a car accident while Alex was in the car with him  

"Because Mon, I told the boys that I would hang out with them tonight," she leant over the center and placed a kiss on his cheek, "I'll only be there for a few hours and then we can meet up again after if you want. When I go home i'll see if my dads home and if he isnt ill text you to come over okay?"

"Mhmm" Monty mumbled softly under his breath, his hands tightening around the wheel a little bit. It was silent for a few minutes before Monty spoke up again, "I cant fucking believe that they let Tyler Down come back," he grumbled, his anger starting to randomly come back as he thought about how sad Alex had been after the pictures got leaked  

"Mon, its okay, just calm down baby," Alex said to him softly, rubbing his knee in an atempt to calm her down. Monty peered over at her for a second before looking back at the road

"Alright, just message me if anything happens and ill come and pick you up alright? I'm probably going to just go and hangout with Scotty or something," he said as he pulled up outside of the Standall residence.

He turned off the car and turned in his seat, facing Alex. "I mean it, anything at all, if you need me to come and pick you up then I will okay, and dont just sit there and let Standall be a dick to you okay? If he says something tell me and i'll come and sort him out alright?"

Alex just grinned at her boyfriend, leaning over to place a soft kiss on his lips  Monty wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her closer and pushing their lips together harder, his thumb massaging the skin of her hip where her shirt had lifted a little bit  

Alex pulled away after a few moments, placing one last quick kiss on his lips before opening her door, "will do, Monty. Also, behave yourself okay? I dont want Scotty to call me up and tell me that youre causing trouble or somethin, 'kay?"

Monty just chuckled, shaking his head, "get out," he laughed and watched as she walked away from the car. "Love you!" he called out to her, smiling as she said it back, turning around to blow him a kiss before knocking on the door  

Zach opened the door, a wide grin on his face. "Finally, took you long enough," Zach said and went to pull her in for a hug but stopped himself as he met Monty's eyes briefly. Zach moved to the side, gesturing for the girl to come in before sending Monty a quick wave. Monty squinted his eyes at the boy before turning the car back on and driving off  

Zach just let out a small sigh, pushing the door shut, "here i'll take that for you Lex," he said, grabbing the bag off her shoulder and then leading the way up the stairs, "Mr and Mrs Standall arent home, so dont worry about going to say hello to them," he said, already knowing what she was thinking as she looked around

Alex nodded her head, following Zach to Standall's room. "Hey Standall," Alex said to the boy, sending him a wide grin before sitting down on the bed next to him  

Standall gave her an smile and a nod, "thank god youre here, maybe now we can actually complete the mission," Standall said in amusement

Zach put the bag down and let out a dramatic gasp, his hand going to his chest as he looked between the two. "And now, what is that supposed to mean?" Zach asks them both

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2023 ⏰

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