Chapter 38

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"You're perfect to me Montgomery, you mean everything to me" Alex whispers to him sincerely, her eyes looking down to gaze into his, "don't ever think stuff like that

Montgomery just smiles at her
softly before moving his body down and
burying his head into her chest. It was silent for a few short moments before he broke
down crying

Her heart ached while she held onto him and tried her best to keep her own tears and sobs in.

Montgomery was always so strong. Alex was
the first person that had seen him cry and
was the only person he allowed himself to cry in front of.

She was his safe place.
His escape.

Alex cradled him gently in her arms and ran
her fingers through his hair as she began to
trace random shapes on his hip where his
shirt had lifted a little bit, showing a bit of his
skin as well as the top waistline of his underwear

"Why can't my dad just care for me"
Montgomery cried and clutches onto his
girlfriend for dear life as his body shook and
rough sobs escaped his mouth "I never did
anything wrong, I did my best but he always manages to find something wrong with me that he can bitch about"

"Some people are just bad people monty.
There monsters who think that they are
better and that they can get away with
hurting people" Alex explained and didn't hesitate before adding, "but not you monty. You are the most beautiful human being that I have ever met"

"I didn't think it was possible to love a person
as much as I love you" Montgomery whispers
and looks up at her and their eyes meet
"before you came into my life I was nothing. I
felt nothing. If it wasn't for you I'd be lost. I'm
so fucking lucky that you came into my life"

Neither of them said anything else to each
other, they just held each other in their arms, basking the happiness that they could feel when they had each other. Moments like these were getting less and less frequent, especially after Hannah, it was like Alex was beginning to close herself off from the world

They wanted this moment to last forever.
Neither of them knew what they would do if
they lost each other.

Alex knew that Montgomery made bad
choices and he was a dick to people. But that
isn't the real him, Montgomery showed her a
different side of him.

A side that he would let only her see. A side that overpowered all of his flaws, the flaws that made the girl love him even more. She loved him, flaws and all.

He didn't see any flaws in the girl. He loved
every single thing about her, she was perfect
to him. And he was willing to do whatever it
takes to make sure she was okay.

"Do you believe I'm soulmates" Montgomery
suddenly asks, causing the girl to drag her eyes away from the stars and look back down at the boy who was now resting his chin on her stomach to look up at her

She thought about it for a few moments before nodding her head softly

"Yeah I guess I do" Alex smiles "do you?"

"Yeah. You're my soulmate" Montgomery
said, his eyes not leaving hers as he peered into her soul "you're what makes me believe in
soulmates. You're my purpose lex."

When Montgomery looked at the girl he
remembered a quote that his sister told him.
He said it was how she would describe their
love and it was 'I loved her, not for the way
she danced with my angels but for the way
the sound of her name could silence my

Estella often fought with her brother but the two of them loved each other. And Monty was pretty sure that Estella was their number one supporter. Estella loved Alex. Whenever Alex and Estella would see each other, Estella always hugged her and ranted to her about everything.


The sun shone brightly on the sleeping pair. Alex couldn't help as she squinted her
eyes slightly as she opened them and let them
adjust to the harsh sunlight.

Monty was laying on her chest and his arms were wrapped tightly around her as he snuggled into her, her fingers were tangled softly in his hair

Alex smiles softly and begins to play with his
hair, her eyes resting on his sleeping figure as she couldn't help but admire the beautiful boy that was lying ontop of her.

She was smiling in silence but let's out a large sigh when her phone begins to ring from beside her, a small groan fell from her lips as the silence was disturbed

Alex reaches over and grabs her phone and
answers it without even looking at who was
calling her

"Hello, Lex speaking" Alex says groggily into the phone and rubs her eyes as a yawn fell from her soft lips

"Lexi where the fuck are you guys. You're late
for school, everyone is fucking looking for you, are you okay? Did something happen, do you need me to come and pick you up?" Justin asks through the other side of the phone with worry in his voice

"Shit. We must of slept in" Ella Alex
quietly so she didn't wake up Montgomery. She was surprised that he hadn't woken up already, he was usually up before her and he was a light sleeper so she figured the sound of the phone ringing would have woken him up

"I've been worried about you. I thought that
something had happened to you" Justin
replies, "I saw you go with Monty last night and I'm guessing that you are still with him," he said though it was more of a question than anything, even if he knew the answer

"Yeah neither of us wanted to go home last
night so we drove down to that old field and
slept in the car, dude I gotta tell you, my neck fucking hurts though, It would have been nice to have a pillow" Alex mumbles with a small chuckle which causes Montgomery to shift slightly on top of her

"Ill wake him up. We'll be there soon. Try not to get into too much trouble while I'm gone alrighty?"

"Bye Lexi," Justin states into the phone "I
miss you"

"I saw you last night idiot" Alex chuckles softly which resulted in Montgomery to now  be awake. Her grip tightened softly on her phone as the boy had pushed himself up slightly and was now placing soft kisses on her neck "I got to go. Bye Justy"

"What did Foley want" Montgomery asks, bringing his lips away from her neck and now looking her dead in the eyes

"He was asking where we are. We're late for
school" Alex mumbles and went to get up but
Monty held her down gently by placing his body back on top of hers

"Come on lets just take the day off, who needs
school anyway" Montgomery asks and
snuggles back into her, not wanting to get up yet, and wanting to stay there with the girl

"We do. Come on love, I grabbed you some  spare clothes from my room last night so we gotta get ready really quick and then get to school" Alex smiles and laughs at her boyfriend, "and I happen to need school if I want to get a good job when I am older"

"You're already super smart" Montgomery
sighs and then lifts his head un and sighs

"You're already super smart" Montgomery
sighs and then lifts his head up and sighs
when he noticed her giving him puppy dog

"No no no, don't look at me like that." He quickly told her but she playfully stuck her bottom lip out. Montgomery let out a long sigh and slowly pulled his body off of hers and then jumped out of the back of the car.

Once he was firmly on the ground and awake enough not to trip over, he turned around and reached his hands out to help Alex get out of the car

They grabbed their clothes and got changed quickly in the backseat which of course lead to another thing happening and then resulted in the pair being even more late.

By the time they got to school, it was already first break and it was almost over

The pair walked into the cafeteria and walked
over to their table of friends

"Jeez it took you guys long enough" Justin
said and rolled his eyes as he threw another chip into his mouth

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