Chapter 24

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"Don't fucking speak about her that way!" Montgomery yelled as he continued to punch Alex over and over. Alex fell to the ground and Monty straddled him, delivering more and more punches to his face and body.

The boys continued to roll around on the ground as they tried to have the upper hand in the fight, but it was clear to everyone that Montgomery was going to be the one who won the fight.

People were laughing and cheering as they watched Montgomery pound the shit out of Alex, all of them recording. Clay had heard the commotion as he walked closer, quickly pulling the headset off his head, the sound of Hannah Bakers voice fading away as he placed them around his neck.

He quickly pushed his way through the crowd to see what was going on, only to be surprised as he watched Alex laying on the floor as he repeatedly got punched and nobody did anything to stop the fight.

Jess stood there, her insides burning with worry as she watched her ex being beaten up by her friend's boyfriend. She had heard what Alex had done. Justin had ranted to her in a fit of rage, telling her how he wanted to beat the living shit out of Alex. Jess had to listen to him rant the whole night when it was just the two of them alone.

Marcus and Zach stood to the side, Marcus didn't intervene because he honestly didn't give a shit about anyone but himself. As long as he didn't get in trouble and lose his way into Harvard, he was fine. Zach on the other hand was in the same boat as Justin, he thought that Alex had what was coming to him after what he had done to Alexandra last night.

Lexi waited patiently at Montgomery's locker, occasionally checking the time on her phone as she wondered where the hell her boyfriend was. He wa usually there by now and she had left him a note next to the bed this morning before she left that told him that she would wait for him at his locker. 

But the time was passing and she was growing impatient as he boyfriend didn't show up. She watched a few boys laughing as they ran down the halls and she just managed to catch what they were saying

"Come on, we are gonna miss it. He is beating the shit out of him!" one of the boys yelled as they laughed and then ran out the front doors of the school. Lexi felt her eyebrows furrow in confusion as she decided to leave his locker and then follow after the boys.

She pushed the doors open and noticed that there was a lot of cheering and a bunch of students had formed a large circle in the middle of the car park and it was clear to her that somebody was fighting, and she had a feeling in her gut that it was Montgomery.

She quickly made her way over to the crowd and attempted to push her way through the people, she could hear angered grunts falling from her boyfriend's lips which seemed to push her to go through the people faster. However, due to her being so small, it did take her a while to finally make it to the front of the crowd.

Finally, she pushed her way through the last lot of people in front of her and as soon as she saw the fight at hand, she couldnt help but cover her mouth in shock. Montgomery was pounding the shit out of Alex who had completely given up and was just lying there

"Monty! Monty hey stop!" She cried out loudly, but the boy couldnt hear her through his blind rage, and the loud cheering from all of the surrounding students. Montgomery would rather die before letting somebody talk about his girlfriend like that, especially someone who had made her cry.

Lex didn't have to think twice before stepping in, not caring if she would get hurt in the process. She didn't want Monty to get hurt and she hoped that she could get him away from Alex before he ended up killing him. She walked up to them and placed her arm on his arm gently, "monty baby hey, you need to stop," she cried to him, and finally, he looked up at her, his eyes softened and he got off Alex, standing up straight

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