Chapter 87

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Lexi stormed into the school with her head held high, she decided that she no longer cared what they all thought of her because if she acted like it didn't matter, then it didn't... Right? Well atlease that was what she decided to tell herself for today. 

People were staring at her as she walked down the hallways, she could hear her name echoing from different groups scattered around the hallways. Some of them even made an attempt to talk to her, wanting to make sure that she was okay, but she just offered them a small smile, a nod and then continued walking, not wanting to talk to anyone right now. 

It was a different atmosphere in the school now. Normally in the mornings, you would see Alexandra Black walking down the halls, offering everyone happy smiles as she greeted them with a friendly 'good morning'. The usual pep in her step was gone and her whole demeanour was completely different. 

She had almost successfully managed to avoid talking to everyone until she was stopped by a familiar voice that always sparked a certain anger in her stomach. Though she hid her distaste for the boy rather well, sticking up for him and stopping others from bullying him, the truth was, she really, really did not like him. 

"Hey Alex, I saw your fight with Montgomery," Tyler Down suddenly says as he walks up to her, his camera around his neck like usual. He was holding onto his camera as if it were a support animal, though there was no anxiety on his face. She wasn't sure why he was approaching her, or why he felt the need to talk to her about this, but she really wasn't in the mood right now. 

She internally groans at his presence not being able to stop herself as she scoffs and rolls her eyes, she didn't want to talk to this boy, he was one of her least favourite people in this whole school and she was already having a shitty day, not to mention she was almost certain that he was only going to make it worse. 

She did feel bad for the boy, he had always been picked on and bullied, but deep down she knew that he deserved it, he was a pervert and the insecurity that he felt, was the same feeling of insecurity that he made girls feel when he photographed them without their permission, especially from their fucking window. 

"Im not really in the mood right now Tyler, could you please just leave me alone," it was clearly a warning. She was telling him to piss off before she lost her shit, but Tyler decided to ignore the warning and continue following her. 

"Well I saw the fight a-"

"Of course you did Tyler, you see everything after all, don't you?" she says with an over-enthusiastic voice "I bet you got a picture too didn't you? What you gonna do, add it to your 'burn book'?" she asks "add it to the yearbook to try and ruin mine and Monty's 'perfect' lives? Then again, only half of your photos are actually for the yearbook arent they? Honestly Tyler could you please just leave me alone, I am not in the mood right now"

That was her final warning. 

"Why do you hate me so much?" Tyler asks her, the look on his face was a mixture of confusion and disbelief. Alex lets out a scoff, followed by a sarcastic laugh, even though she was grinning, her smile was far from a happy one. She was just about at the breaking point and Tyler was about to be the thing that pushes her over the edge. 

"Are you fucking serious Tyler?" she asks angrily, "oh, I don't know, maybe it has something to do with the fact that you are a fucking pervert and you terrorized and stalked one of my best friends. You have ruined so many people's reputations at this school, many of which happen to be my friends and at least three quarters of the girls at this school. You have no respect for girls, though I guess a majority of the boys at this shit hole are like that to," she finally stops walking away from him, stopping dead in her tracks and turning around to face him, giving him her undivided attention, allowing him to see just how pissed off she really was

"You're fucking sick Tyler. Tell me, do you enjoy ruining people's lives, do you enjoy making girls uncomfortable, making them have to watch over their shoulders to make sure there isn't some creepy freak trying to get nasty pictures of them? I know you hide in the boy's toilets and take photos of the girls through the windows, heaps of the boys have caught you. Why are you so sick Tyler? Huh? You scare people Tyler, you invade their privacy and make their lives hell."

Tyler stood there in shock, silently trying to figure out what to say before opening his mouth to argue back with her, "You're telling me that I make people's lives hell? Thats pretty fucking ironic Alex, considering your boyfriend storms around the school beating up anyone who upsets him, even if they just fucking look at him in a way that he doesn't like," he scoffs, glaring at the girl, looking at her up and down, "I mean, just take a look at what he did to you."

Alex rolled her eyes, "Keep his name out of your mouth freak, you don't know shit alright. He didn't do this to me and I'm getting pretty damn tired of people just assuming that he did, keep your fat ass nose and ugly ass camera lens out of people's business. Yeah, he may hurt people physically," she says, getting up into his face and pushing him up against one of the lockers (clearly taking notes out of her boyfriend's book) she held him up against the cool metal by the collar of his shirt, her strength surprised the boy, though he quickly reminded himself that she was the captain of both the cheer squad and the soccer team. 

He had never seen her this angry before, and in all honesty, it was starting to scare him. "But you fucking destroy people on the inside, you're worse than Montgomery could ever fucking be. Out of the worst people in this fucking school, Bryce Walker is at the top of the fucking list, but you're cutting in pretty close at second place," she pulled him forward a bit before slamming him back against the lockers and then letting him go, storming down the hallway, ignoring all the looks that she was receiving from the other students. 

Most of the girls looked proud, happy that someone had stood up for their dignity against the perv, lots of the boys looked proud and amused, while others just looked shocked to see the usual kind and bubbly girl act that way. 

"Y-you better watch your back," Tyler manages to yell out just in time before she turned the corner. He rubbed his neck softly, trying to recover from what Alex had just done to him. Alex doesn't bother to turn to look at him, instead she just sticks her hand up over her shoulder, flipping him off before disappearing around the corner. 

She thought that that would be the end of it. That he would leave her and Montgomery alone after that, but she was far from right. Little did she know that Tyler down was also at his breaking point. He had had enough of this school, and more importantly, he had had enough of the jocks at this school. If she thought that her life was already shitty, she was going to get a rude awakening because it was about to get a whole lot worse from here on out. 

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