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Mew was practically glowing with happiness which made Tine giggle. Mew had been stressed for past few days so he was happy to see him relaxed. He loved it when Mew was in good mood, which he was most of time but when he got angry, it wasn't a pretty sight. He would admit that his boyfriend had anger issues though he had never harmed Tine in any way still it was distressing to deal with his mood swings when he got angry. Despite all that Tine liked Mew a lot. He was Tine's first boyfriend and he couldn't believe that they were actually dating. Tine was from a middle class family and dating a millionaire had never been on his list.

In fact, he had been dreaming of settling with a guy in his own league. It may sound like a fairytale to date a heir to million dollar company but in reality it was stressful and intimidating. When he met Mew for the first time, he just admired him as you would admire a celebrity, someone completely out of your reach. He was astounded when Mew started showing interest in him. It made him flattered and suspicious.

Though Tine was beautiful by every standard and had a kind heart to match that sweet look of his, he was especially hard on himself. In his eyes, he wasn't worth much. He couldn't understand why would anyone even give him second glance. When Mew asked him out for the first time, Tine rejected him. He was scared of the guy who had everything he could ever want being interested in someone like him who could hardly afford to drink a cup coffee in the restaurant Mew could eat daily.

Tine was a bit romantic at heart, he wanted a sweet love story with a person he could spend rest of his life with. He wasn't into one night stand or fling and to him Mew's proposal meant just that. But Mew was anything if not persistent and he finally won over Tine. Their initial dating days were a but hard to go through because they really belonged to different worlds. Mew didn't think twice before buying him someone ridiculously expensive or reserving seats at most expensive restaurants.

Tine knew Mew wasn't flaunting his money, that's how he has always been and he was doing it all for him but when you calculate every penny you spend, it's hard to swallow such expensive dishes and wine. Of course, Tine loves luxurious and branded stuff, who doesn't. But he was used to just ogling them from far and to middle class people that's more than enough when you've bills to pay. Yet they managed to make it work because they genuinely liked each other.

It had been three months since they started dating and things couldn't be better than this. Mew was quite busy with handling his family company but still he made time for Tine whenever he could and Tine appreciated how attentive Mew was towards him. They did have but of an age gap, 7 years but it never felt like they weren't on the same page.

"Babe, just order for me too. I'll take this call." Mew went out to talk on the phone.

Tine ordered the food and was waiting for Mew to come back. Mew came back in rush and mumbled an apology, "Tine, I need to go."

"What? Why?"

"It's important."

"But what happened?"

"It's.... It's something to do with company. I need to be there. Sorry, babe."

"It's okay. Don't apologize. Drive safely."

"You enjoy the food. I'll call you later." With that said he rushed out to his car.

It would be a lie if he said it didn't hurt when Mew rushed out like that but he wasn't angry at Mew either. He understood that he had work to do when it must be something important for him to cut short their date like this. Tine felt awkward eating alone but he couldn't waste the food either since Mew had already paid for it. He was wondering if they could pack it for him to take home because he couldn't finish two people worth food.

He stood up and in haste he collided with the waiter coming from behind him making the guy drop the tray full of food on the floor breaking the plates in the process. There was dead silence in the restaurant after such catastrophe. The manager quickly came to their table and apologized to Tine even though it should be him apologizing. He knew the respect and fear was all because he came here with Mew.

The manager was harshly reprimanding the waiter even though Tine tried to explain it was his fault. The poor guy was fired on the spot and Tine felt so bad and remorseful. He once again tried to tell the manager what had really happened but the guy had already made up his mind to fire the waiter. Tine left the restaurant immediately. He could sit and eat after that. He was waiting outside to apologize to the waiter but when the guy came out he didn't even spare a glance to Tine.

Tine stopped him, "Excuse me."

The guy turned towards him, "What?"

"I'm sorry for what happ-"

"I don't need your sorry."

Tine was a but startled at his rude tone, "I'm really sorry. I could try to explain-"

"Forget it."

"But how can I make it upto you?"

"By getting lost."

"Why are being so rude to me?"

The guy chuckled, "Because you're annoying me. You got me fired and now I've to pay for those plates."

"What? I'll pay you for that."

"Yeah, you must've lot of money to throw away." He said sardonically.

"That's not the-"

"Give me your number."

"Huh? Why?"

"How are you going to pay me? Do you've cash right now?"


"Then give me your number. I'll send you my account details. Pay me soon."

"Okay." Tine gave him his number, "I'm Tine. What's your name?"

"Sarawat." With that said, Sarawat went to his bike and went away.

Tine was wondering how he was going to get money to pay Sarawat. Those plates must've been really expensive. He needed to find a part time job soon. It had been such a taxing day with nothing good happening at all.

If only he knew how much worse it was going to get from there on.

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