Cafe Serenity

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To say that Mew was angry would be an understatement, he was livid. He had been enjoying his date with Tine oblivious to the mayhem waiting for him at home. He had been shocked when his father called him in the middle of date asking him go for suit fitting for the wedding. He felt anger pulse through his veins when it became clear to him Gulf hadn't rejected the marriage. He had to excuse himself and leave Tine there alone so that he could take care of this mess.

"What's going on, Dad?"

"What do you mean? Why are you here? I told you to go for your suit fitting."


"For wedding. What else?"

"Isn't it cancelled?"

"Why would it be?"

"I thought Gulf had cancelled it."

"Why would he cancel the wedding?"

Mew stammered, "I don't k-know. M-Maybe he didn't like m-me."

"Why wouldn't he? He's perfectly okay with this wedding so dont waste any more time and go to the tailor."

"But Da-"

"Mew, stop being a nuisance right now."

His father had said lots of hurtful things to him in all these years but the word nuisance always hits him hard. It's like calling rain on an important day nuisance. Calling his son nuisance was like calling his entire existence a burden. Maybe that's how it felt to his parents. It made him feel like he wasn't important enough to be considered something in their eyes. He left the house and drove to the tailor for suit fitting because whether he liked it or not this marriage was happening.

He dialed Gulf's number to give him a piece of his mind but the guy didn't even pick up his call. The nerve of that jerk. Mew really hated Gulf in this moment. How could he deceive Mew like this? He acted all okay with cancelling the wedding and stabbed him in back? If he wasn't going to do so, he should have told him that instead of agreeing with him. Was Gulf playing games with him? Was it all a joke to him? Did he enjoy toying with Mew?

He decided to suck it up and go through with this wedding. He had no other option right now. But no way in the hell was he going to get along with Gulf. This marriage would be a living hell for him that Mew would make sure of. He had no intention of breaking up with Tine. He liked Tine and didn't want to lose him at all. Though he was sure Tine wouldn't want to stay with him if he knew about his wedding. No one would in their right mind so he made a stupid decision of not telling Tine about his wedding.

Tine, quite oblivious to the chaos in his dating life was busy finding part time job to pay back Sarawat. It's hard finding well paying job with good working hours since he was still in college. Luckily a friend of his recommended a cafe where he could work. Today was his first day and he was quite nervous. He had never worked part time before and was unbelievably awkward around strangers so it was going to be a challenge but as long as it pays, he'll manage.

He greeted the owner and soon he was told all the rules and working pattern along with his shift. Mostly he had evening shift except weekends so it was better. He entered the staff room to change into work clothes when he saw a man, well a half naked man to be precise, cursing furiously for a reason unknown to Tine.

"Excuse me, are you okay?" Being a kind boy he is, he couldn't leave the poor guy like that.

The man was startled and turned around quickly to face Tine and shock was only feature both of their face showed.



Both said at the same time.

"Why are you calling me jerk?"

"What the hell are you doing here?" Sarawat asked angrily.

"I work here."


"What sort of question is that? Do you work here too?"

"Yes. I don't want to work here with you so why don't you just get lost."

Tine was offended, "Why do you always keep telling me to get lost?"

"Because your presence is annoying."

"You're being really rude to me for no apparent reason."

"Whatever. Why are you even working?"

Tine decided against telling him that he had to earn money to pay him back, "I just felt like it."

Sarawat smirked, "Must be boring having nothing to do."


Sarawat buttoned his shirt and walked out of the room bumping into Tine on purpose. His mood hadn't been better to start with and now it was completely ruined. That rich kid was probably here to just have fun. Why would he even need to work at such cafe when he afford to eat in that luxurious restaurant all the time. He hoped he wouldn't have to cross path with that kid.

Gulf was practically shivering in fear when the date for his wedding was announced officially. It was definitely going to be a grand event since his parents loved extravagant things and it would be like show of power or something. He knew Mew must be angry as hell when he had realized Gulf hadn't cancelled the wedding.

He had been cooped up in his room for weeks so he decided to go to a cafe to get fresh air. He had contemplated a lot before heading out to a small cafe which had only few customers. He choose a seat far away from others and ordered an iced americano. He was waiting for his order when the waiter brought him a latte.

"E-Excuse me, I didn't o-order for t-this?" Gulf said after gathering some courage.

The waiter was horrified, "Huh? Really? I'm so sorry. I got confused and- oh my god, I'm really sorry. What should I do? I should change it but then what about this? Should I throw it away? Should I drink it? No, I can't do that."

"Calm d-down," Gulf read the tag on his uniform, "Tine."

Tine kept fretting, "This is my first day and first job too. Am I going to get fired on my first day?"

"I'll d-drink this. It's okay." Gulf said kindly.

"Are you sure?"


"Thank you so much. I'm really sorry for all this but thanks a lot for not complaining to the manager."

"It's ok."

"Can I know your name?"


"Thank you Gulf. Means a lot to me."

Gulf smiled a little in reply. The interaction wasn't as bad as he had thought it would with a complete stranger. Maybe he was getting better with people. He paid for his drink and left. There was only 14 days left for his wedding. Countdown had started.

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