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Gulf was waiting for Mew to come back home so that they could eat. He wasn't sure if he was allowed to eat before Mew. Though there hadn't been a rule saying he couldn't so as soon as clock struck 10, he ate his dinner and covered Mew's so he could eat later and went to sleep. The morning came too soon and as he got up to make breakfast he saw that Mew hadn't been back last night. The food haf been left on table as such. He felt angry. If Mew wasn't going to come home, he should have told Gulf. At least he wouldn't have cooked for him. Now thag food will go to waste and it was delicious egg curry too.

Gulf stood there in kitchen glaring at the delicious food sitting on the table and decided it would be wrong to throw it away so what he did? He ate it disregarding the consequences of eating stale food entirely. As soon as he was full he got into cleaning and doing laundry. He didn't bother making breakfast since it was unlikely Mew would come anytime soon. By the time it was noon, Gulf starting feeling queasy. He felt a bit feverish and nauseated. He threw up soon enough and felt weakness gripping his body. He thought of taking medicine but wasn't sure where it was kept. He threw up few more times and felt too weak to get up anymore.

Mew stayed the night at Tine's. They talked about lots of stuff like they used to and watched movies while cuddling. He went to office from there since most of his stuff was at Tine's place. It was already evening by the time he was done with the meeting and headed off to home. He was famished and was looking forward to eating dinner. Though he wouldn't admit Gulf was an excellent cook and no matter how simple a dish he makes, it tastes so good. He was looking forward to dinner.

He went to his room to freshen up and when he came to the kitchen, nothing was cooked yet. He looked for Gulf but he wasn't in living room nor in the kitchen. He went to the guest room and found him sleeping. Mew huffed in annoyance and went to wake him up but as soon as he touched his arm, he realized Gulf had fever. He went to the bedside and saw how pale he looked.

"Gulf? Are you okay? What happened?"

Gulf opened his eyes at the sound of Mew's voice, "Mewie."

"Are you sick?"

He was slipping into younger mindset because of being sick, "H-Hurts, Mewie."

"Where, bun? Where does it hurt?"

"E-Everywhere. Threw up, yuckie."

"You've a fever and you even vomited. Did you eat something bad?"


"What did you eat, bub?"

"Egg curwy. Yummy. Not bad."

"Bun, it must be food poisoning then."

"No, tasted good. Made last night."

"Did you eat last night food? Why?"

"No wasting. Not allowed."

"What? You know how hot the weather is, food must've been spoiled. Did you keep it in fridge?"


Mew rolled his eyes, "Fridge. Refrigerator, Gulf. "


"Forget it. Let's take you to hospital. Fever isn't breaking up and you should at least get a glucose drip. Get up, Gulf. "

"Tired. Carry bun."

"You want me to carry you?"


"But- fine. Come here." Mew carried Gulf to his car and after buckling the seat belt he drove to nearby hospital.

Doctor checked him and indeed it was case of food poisoning. He gave Gulf some medicine and IV drip and told Mew to take him as soon as the drip is completed. Gulf had fallen asleep as he must be quite tired. Mew sat by his side gazing at him perplexedly. Earlier he had been too preoccupied to notice but he found Gulf was being weird. He was talking in babyish tone and he wouldn't pronounce some words properly. That was quite weird. Maybe he was too sick to know what he was saying.

Gulf even called him Mewie. What the hell was that? Worst of all Mew called him bun. What the hell was wrong with him? He didn't even call Tine bun so why did he do that earlier. It was really out of character thing for him. Maybe it was just alip of tongue. He had been quite weird about Gulf back then so it must've been stress. That's it. Nothing more nothing less. He didn't need to dwell over something like that.


Mew looked at Gulf who had just woken up, "Call me Mew."

"Okay, where are we?"



"Because you're sick."


"Why the hell would you eat stale food? You had food poisoning."

"You didn't come home last night and food would go to waste so I ate it."

"You could've just thrown it."

"No. Food should never be wasted."

"Are you an idiot? "

"I'm not. "

"You definitely act like someone retarded."

"You're being rude to me again."

Mew asked mockingly, "Am I? So what?"

"It's bad manners. You'll be punished."

Mew stayed silent for some time, "Don't say that with such innocent look on your face."


"Don't act like you don't get what I meant. You aren't that innocent."

"I don't understand what you meant."

"Whatever. Let's go home."

They came home around 8 pm and Gulf went to the kitchen to start cooking dinner.

Mew asked, "What're you doing?"

"Cooking dinner."

"Are you crazy? Do you even have strength to stand there?"

"But who'll cook then?"

"Is that important right now? You look pale like a ghost. Go rest in your room."

"You haven't eaten anything-"

"I can cook too, Gulf. I'll make dinner and porridge for you. Go lie down."

"Why will you do that?"


Gulf asked in hopeful tone, "You're being nice to me. Why?"

"Because you're sick. Don't get used to it. If something happened to you, my parents will hound me."


Mew started cooking the dinner while deep in thought. He had no reason to be nice to Gulf but he wasn't cruel enough to make him cook when he's sick. He was taking care of Gulf because he knew how it felt when no one was there to take care of you when you were sick. How utterly devastating it felt to have people around you go on with their daily routine even when you were lying there weak and helpless. It was something he hated the most and thankfully now he had Tine who cared for him whenever he was sick but right now Gulf had no one so he'll just take care of him for a little while. Not more than that.

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